ASU Police Officer Caught Removing Protester’s Hijab: Outrage and Demand for Accountability

Video shows Arizona State University police officer removing protester’s hijab during arrest

This screengrab shows a campus police officer removing a hijab off a protester’s head at Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona.

Mass Liberation AZ

Video taken over the weekend at Arizona State University shows a campus police officer removing a hijab from a protester’s head during her arrest. The incident, caught on a blurred video obtained by Mass Liberation AZ and provided to CNN, highlights an alarming violation of privacy and religious rights.

Multiple officers from the ASU Police Department can be seen surrounding the woman, restraining her with her hands held behind her back. In the video, one officer proceeds to remove her hijab, while onlookers are heard objecting and vocalizing their concerns regarding privacy. The officers further cover her head with a sweatshirt hood, raising questions regarding the differential treatment of religious garments. Amidst the outcry, a lawyer representing the women involved demands accountability for the officers’ actions.

According to Zayed Al-Sayyed, the attorney representing the women, the incident occurred early Saturday. Three of the individuals affected are students at the university, with all four residing in the Phoenix area. These women now face criminal trespass charges.

Al-Sayyed asserts that when the women were taken into custody, they pleaded with officers to allow them to keep their hijabs, emphasizing the importance of the religious head covering. However, they were informed that removal was necessary for safety reasons. This action stands in stark contradiction to their constitutionally protected right to practice their religion, leaving the victims feeling hurt and violated.

Further exacerbating the situation, the women were not given back their hijabs upon being detained and transported to jail. It was only approximately 15 hours later, when Al-Sayyed gained access to his clients, that he was able to provide them with new hijabs.

Following the incident, the Arizona chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-AZ) condemned the actions of the university police, calling for a thorough investigation into the matter. Azza Abuseif, the executive director of CAIR-AZ, expressed distress regarding the infringement upon the religious liberties of peaceful protesters. The implications of this event reach beyond the individuals involved and bring into question the university’s commitment to protecting the diverse beliefs and rights of its students.

As the incident remains under review by both the university and the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, it serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for religious freedom and tolerance in society. This event reveals a disconcerting violation of basic rights, regardless of one’s faith. Such incidents call for systemic change and heightened awareness regarding the religious and cultural sensitivities of individuals, as well as the proper training of law enforcement personnel to ensure respect and understanding in their approach to diverse communities.



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