Astronomy – First image of black hole in the center of the Milky Way

The first image of Sagittarius A*, the black hole at the center of our galaxy. (EHT collaboration / dpa)

The recording was made possible by observations with the “Event Horizon Telescope”, a merger of eight radio observatories on four continents to form a kind of super telescope. The featured image actually shows the surroundings of the supermassive black hole, since the objects themselves are inherently invisible. A dark central region is seen surrounded by a bright ring structure.

It is the second picture ever taken of a black hole. In 2019, researchers presented the first ever image of the immediate vicinity of a black hole, but located in another galaxy.

More about the picture you can in this post from the program “Research current”.

This message was broadcast on Deutschlandfunk on May 13, 2022.

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