Astronomical object “RCW 86” formed by the oldest supernova in observation history | sorae Portal site to the universe


This is regarding 8000 light years away in the “Centaurus”Supernova Remnant “RCW 86”is.Supernova remnants are caused by massive stars, white dwarfs, etc.supernova explosionA celestial body observed following aCaused by supernova explosionshock wavespreads aroundheat the gasBy doing so, electromagnetic waves such as visible light and X-rays are emitted.

RCW 86 was formed byBinary star consisting of a white dwarf and a fixed starget up at“Type Ia supernova”believed to have been formed by A white dwarf is a celestial body that evolved following the death of a relatively light star (less than eight times the mass of the sun) that does not cause a supernova explosion like the sun.

When one of the stars that form a binary star reaches the end of its life and becomes a white dwarf, a binary star consisting of a white dwarf and a fixed star will be born.In such a binary star, the hydrogen gas flowing out from the fixed star accumulates on the white dwarf, and the mass of the white dwarf increases.About 1.4 times the sunA supernova explosion can occur when it reaches the Chandrasekhar limit. This is a type Ia supernova.

The supernova that formed RCW 86 may have been witnessed by humans in the past.more than 1800 years ago185 ADbetween the present constellations Centaurus and Compass“guest star”There is a record in the Chinese history book thatappeared and was observed for eight months.“Later Han Dynasty”It is said that it is left in RCW 86 was found in the same region as the 185 AD guest star, which is believed to be the oldest recorded supernova.RCW 86 may be a supernova remnant formed by the oldest supernova ever observed

There seems to be

* A celestial body that appears to appear suddenly.Supernova, nova, comet, etc.

The top image was taken using the SMARTS 0.9m telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) and was released by NOIRLab on September 7, 2022.


A faint and fleeting glow.Hubble image of supernova remnant in Table Scorpio

– RCW 86: All Eyes on Oldest Recorded Supernova

Text/Matsumura Takehiro



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