According to the British newspaper, The Independent, the new theory may explain the chemical composition of the planet, and may reveal new things regarding other planets in the solar system.
The theory commonly circulated in astrophysics and cosmic chemistry is that the Earth was formed from stone meteorites, says researcher in experimental planetary science at the University of “ETH” Zurich in Switzerland, Paolo Soci.
It is scientifically rumored that simple blocks of stones and minerals were formed early in the life of the solar system, as a prelude to the emergence of the Earth.
The researcher adds that the problem with this theory is that a mixture of stone meteorites and chondrite masses cannot give us the current composition of the Earth, and this has made researchers work for years to understand what happened.
The scientists suggested that the collision that took place between the raw materials and led to the formation of the earth, resulted in the emergence of great heat, so the lighter elements evaporated in this process, and the other large ones remained.
The researcher Susi believes that the composition of the Earth is different from what was imagined, and the reason is that the chemical elements have the same number of protons, in exchange for a different number of neutrons.
He added that models that have a small number of neutrons, are characterized by lightness, and accordingly, it is assumed that they are more able to evaporate.
He added that if this theory of evaporation was correct, “we would have found a smaller number of light isotopes on Earth at the present time compared to what was present in stone meteorites,” and this is precisely what isotope measurements do not reveal.
Scientists believe that the planets formed in the solar system over time, and moved from small bodies in which gas and dust accumulated, until they reached the “planet” stage, by attracting materials through the gravitational pole.
In contrast to the stone meteorites, the asteroids were exposed to greater heat that was enough to cause fission between the metal core and the rocky crust.
Since asteroids formed in different regions around the sun, and at different times, they might have different chemical compositions.
A scientific team relied on simulating the collision between thousands of asteroids to see if the process was able to secrete objects such as Earth, Mars, Venus and Mercury.
According to the results, this mixture between asteroids is not only sufficient for the emergence of the Earth, but the planet on which we live is the most likely secretion of such interaction mentioned.
The researcher Susi described the conclusion of the study as prominent, saying that the current increase of scientists is no longer limited to a mechanism that explains the emergence of the Earth better, “but we have a reference to explain the formation of other rocky planets.”