Astronomers discover the most distant galaxy in the universe | Formed 300 million years after the Big Bang

A group of astronomers announced the discovery of the farthest galaxy ever detected. The finding, which was made possible after more than 1,200 hours of observation of the sky with the help of four telescopes, will have to be confirmed with more precise observations.

Is about “HD1”a very luminous object whose “red color corresponds to the characteristics of a galaxy located 13,500 million years”said Yuichi Harikane, an astronomer at the University of Tokyo and a member of the team that led the discovery, in a statement published by The Royal Astronomical Society.

the galaxy HD1 it is located 100 million years further away than GN-z11, until now the most distant galaxy that had been discovered. This galaxy was born 300 million years after the Big Bang, which gave rise to the universe according to scientific theory and the light it emanates traveled for 13.5 billion years until it reached Earth.

“When I found this red, I got goosebumps“, said the astrophysicist from the University of Tokyo.

Now, the James Webb Space Telescope, the most powerful ever launched by NASA, will have to measure, among other things, its strong ultraviolet radiationa sign of activity that theoretical models of galaxy formation had not anticipated.

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