“Astronauts Encounter Angels and Strange Phenomena in Space: Unveiling the Mysterious Space Mysteries”

2023-05-12 22:35:51

[Voice of Hope, May 12, 2023](compiled by Bai Yu) Dinosaurs have long been extinct on the earth, how might dinosaurs appear in the vast space? From the space station, you can actually see your childhood home… This wave of speech storms hits the human brain. What the former Soviet astronauts saw and heard on the space station is more than that.

In 1978, Alexander Ivanchenkov, a flight engineer on the space station Salyut-6, reported to Space Control that he had seen a large crimson glow. The control center worker on the ground replied: “Our tapes capture the same ‘colored music’ from this brilliance.”

On an ordinary day aboard Salyut-7 in 1984, the young experienced astronauts were performing routine experiments aboard the space station, and everyone was in excellent physical condition. But many years later, word was revealed that all the astronauts were experiencing collective confusion and “hallucinations.”

For example, one astronaut admitted to seeing a giant angel through the porthole of his spaceship. Another astronaut clearly heard his late mother’s voice: “Son, get out of here—you’re too early.” Another astronaut “saw” his childhood home from orbit on the space station.

Many astronauts on the “Salute 7” unanimously described that they encountered angels and believed that angels were watching over the astronauts’ work.

Astronauts see angels in orange light

Several astronauts on the space station at that time Vladimir Soloviev (Vladimir Soloviev), Svetlana Savitskaya (Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor Volk) and Vladimir Dzhanibekov, among others, described what they saw: “A wonderful orange light. Large angelic figures were seen in the light, their faces clearly visible, they Smiles at us with admiration. Warmth spreads from this smile, and we seem to be charmed.”

All astronauts repeat one thing unconditionally: “They are angels, they are angels!”

Later, the two astronauts had a dream. As Savitskaya said, the same angels appeared to her in a dream, they talked to her and asked her not to despair regarding the lost position, because for her fate was more important.

Everyone involved in the Salyut 7 launch until the last moment believed that an angel had come upon them. So many of them, following leaving aerospace, entered the Orthodox Church.

The former Soviet astronaut who worked on the
The former Soviet astronaut who worked on the “Salute 7” also claimed that he saw an angel (network picture)

In 1994, the “Mir” space station cosmonaut Viktor Afanasyev admitted that he saw a strange rectangular object regarding 40 centimeters in flight and managed to photograph it.

In 1995, Sergei Krichevsky became the first person to speak openly regarding the paranormal phenomenon of spaceflight. He is a first-class Russian military pilot. Today he is an official researcher of the Russian Academy of Astronautics.

According to Krichevsky: “In 1994, I was preparing for flight. My friend, an astronaut who had already worked on the space station, warned me: ‘Sergey, there you may meet Strange phenomena, all the better if you are prepared for them.』”

On a space orbiting station, astronauts sleep differently than they do on Earth. First, there is no day as understood, on the space station – day and night change every 90 minutes. Second, the weightlessness forces them not to lie down, but to hang.

Usually, astronauts relax before going to bed, and Krichevsky’s friend encountered a strange sight, “either like a dream, or like a hallucination, but so bright and clear, as if in reality, happening in the On his body. For example, he seems to be reincarnated as a dinosaur. He (looking at himself) walked into a group of reptilian “relatives”, saw his three-toed claws, and felt the horns standing up on his back. Seeing strange landscapes around us on Earth, probably hundreds of millions of years ago. An interesting effect of this reincarnation is the enormous compression of information.”

According to the astronauts’ estimates, the deluge of information appears to be compressed by a factor of 50. In just a few minutes, an astronaut can experience a seemingly long period of another life. “Another time, he ‘turned’ into an alien creature, visited the future, and felt that it was a familiar environment.” The mysterious phenomena encountered by the astronauts on the space station made them truly feel the transition from one time and space to another. The movement and operation of another time and space is so practical.

Russian cosmonauts saw many phenomena on the space station, and many of their stories are still a big challenge for today’s people to understand.

Editor in charge: Li Mu

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