Astrological portrait of this zodiac sign

2023-08-08 16:02:59

Introducing Scorpio

Eighth sign of the Zodiac, located between Libra and Sagittarius, Scorpio takes its name from the appearance of the constellation resembling this animal in the sky. There are many legends associated with Scorpions, such as those from ancient Greek, Egyptian, and East Asian mythology. It is said that a mythical Greek hunter, called Orion, courageously annihilated the beasts that attacked the island of Chios. The brave hunter was to have the reward of marrying the daughter of King Oenopion, but the latter did not keep his promise. He blinded Orion and chased him away. After that, Orion wanted revenge. But the gods decided to stop him and put a giant scorpion in pursuit and he was killed. Orion and his pursuer were then transformed into a constellation and continued their fight in the sky but never being able to reach each other.

The constellation Scorpius has one of the brightest stars that can be observed from Earth! The Scorpio zodiac sign is a water sign, just like Pisces and Cancer.

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People of the sign of Scorpio who were born between October 23 and November 21, are considered the most passionate and sensual of the zodiac. They are, indeed, energetic and persevering, sensitive, curious and always looking for new experiences. They are people capable of much love, but have a penchant for solitude. It should also be noted that Scorpio is not much appreciated in social life due to its strong intuition and desire to dominate.

General characteristics of the sign of Scorpio

Scorpio is ruled by two planets at the same time: Pluto and Mars. A person born under the sign of Scorpio therefore combines contradictory character traits. For example, he may seem cold and reserved in expressing his feelings when deep down he is a very emotional person. He is direct, intelligent and does not have his tongue in his pocket! He has incredible stamina, stands up to any test with dignity, and gets the job done no matter what! Ambitious, Scorpio is also angry and resentful while being delicate and able to sincerely rejoice for his loved ones.

The qualities of Scorpio

Many fear this sign, because there are rumors about its extraordinary ability to analyze people in order to be able to manipulate them better! Is it true ? Here is the truth about Scorpios:


Scorpio is passionate and possessive! When he’s in love, it’s for good! He will want to know everything you do, think, believe, etc. Very involved in his relationship, the Scorpio has the will to maintain and improve it by having a certain control over his couple. However, for some, Scorpio’s behavior can be perceived as unhealthy and toxic!


Give a Scorpio a goal to achieve and they can change the world! Indeed, having great self-confidence, Scorpio has no doubts about what he is doing and knows that he fully deserves to succeed! In a crisis, his sharp intelligence can easily get him out of trouble! Not to mention his charm which helps him ally people to his cause, in order to overcome his enemies!


Scorpios see life as a mission! They are people who know what they want and who always stay focused, ready to do anything to get what they want. They are like predators that hover around their prey, giving no clue how or when they are going to operate! Indeed, Scorpios do not share their goals and thoughts with anyone, which makes them even more mysterious in the eyes of others.


Despite their intimidating traits, there’s no better than Scorpios to be on your side if you’re in trouble! Being very protective and loyal, they won’t let go if life turns its back on you! On the other hand, if you hurt them, tell yourself that they will never forgive you! Scorpios can hate you as much as they loved you and they will never forget your betrayal! Without showing you how much you have hurt them, they will wait as long as it takes to take revenge as coldly as possible!


The darker and more disturbing things are, the more curious Scorpio will be to understand the why and how! Indeed, everything that is unresolved, mysterious or hidden, attracts him! That’s why some of them adopt dangerous lifestyles, flirt with the occult or take on roles and jobs that many would shun.

Scorpio’s flaws

Like the animal that symbolizes them, Scorpions wait before striking! So if you have people born under the sign of Scorpio in your life, it is better to be aware of their flaws.


Scorpios are very sensitive and feel everything intensely, including jealousy! Thinking that nothing can counter their determination and intelligence, they find it difficult to accept competition and always compare their achievements to those of others! Their competitive spirit creates permanent stress in their daily lives. In love, the jealousy of Scorpio wins the prize. Passionate but possessive, he is suspicious and fears infidelity on the part of his/her partner. His jealousy prevents him from thinking rationally.


Scorpio hides his game well! The natives of this sign are very honest, but they will never show you their vulnerability, especially if they are not sure that they know you well. They remain silent and keep their feelings, plans, and ideas to themselves, which makes them hard to deal with as people.


If someone else gets something Scorpio covets, they’ll probably be jealous and irritated! On top of that, he can hold a grudge and take it as an unforgivable betrayal, requiring revenge as a sentence!

Willingness to control everything

Scorpios like to be in control. Thinking they know what is best for those they love, they often try to get a grip on them, and like maestros, want to have control over all situations and lead the dance! On the other hand, they hate being controlled by others!


Being stubborn has advantages and disadvantages! Thanks to their stubbornness, the Scorpios manage to hold their ground and keep their principles intact. However, they hardly change their habits and views and avoid compromise. They are very attached to what they think and like, and new things do not appeal to them at all!


Many astrologers think Scorpio is the sexiest sign of the zodiac and they’re not wrong! And for good reason, the latter is sensual, uninhibited, capricious and endowed with a great libido! With Scorpio, the imagination flows freely when it comes to lovemaking! With him no prohibitions and zero boredom!

Family and marriage

No one easily enters the life of a Scorpio! Indeed, the latter is very selective in the choice of his/her life partner, because he wants to have a reliable and trustworthy person by his side. Someone he can really count on! Scorpio can’t stand inconstancy and frivolity and their intolerant nature can lead them to destroy their marriage if they can’t control their resentment and thirst for revenge! In addition, Scorpio is very attached to his family life, to his/her partner and to his children who are the source of his happiness, provided that he shows less possessiveness.

Scorpio: What Kind Of Parent Is It?

Generally, Scorpios are very caring parents who love their children. However, they find it difficult to express their feelings and can be too strict, stern and angry. Scorpio is always trying to teach their children to be brave and conquer their fears, but sometimes their cutting words can be hard to take. Moreover, his possessiveness still plays tricks on him; he still refuses to cut the cord watching his children grow up. Of course, at home, the Scorpio parent rules the roost, and they don’t tolerate any rule violations! To maintain a good rapport with their offspring, a Scorpio parent should trust their child and stop repressing them.


A Scorpio can become your best friend or your sworn enemy! It all depends on your behavior towards it! For your relationship to be established, Scorpio will take their time and observe you very closely before starting to trust you! And if the latter is lost, a Scorpio will never forgive you or give you a second chance! He will end your friendship as great as it is, without any regrets!


Scorpio likes to take risks! Also, his hobbies are not without danger! Extreme sports, the gym, boxing, skydiving and hiking can be great activities for Scorpio, as they help them let off steam and have thrilling experiences. To release their emotions and creativity, Scorpio can also enjoy art, doing music or theater, doing sculpture, etc. He can also be attracted to all things mystical and occult! So don’t be surprised to find tarot cards or amulets in his living room.

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Scorpios like challenges and are not afraid to face difficulties and do not mind working hard! In the professional environment, they give their maximum and try to prove themselves to be the best in their field of competence! Thanks to their composure and determination, they often excel in the medical field, such as as surgeons, resuscitators and pathologists. You can also find lifeguards, soldiers and athletes among the natives of Scorpio. Others may also lean towards psychology given their strong intuition and interest in what is not palpable! And finally, Scorpions can also try their hand at music, cinema and romance!


Scorpions have by nature a concrete health! However, they do not know how to take care of themselves at all and end up undermining themselves with constant emotional and physical overload. By working to exhaustion and being too emotional, they make themselves vulnerable to disease! The areas most likely to be affected are the large intestine, the heart, and the circulatory and genitourinary system.


The best compatibilities for Scorpio are earth signs, including Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. This is followed by an average compatibility with the water signs, including Cancer and Pisces, and finally the air and fire signs with which Scorpio rarely gets along!

What attracts Scorpios

Scorpios are blessed with incredible self-confidence and are literally not afraid of anything or anyone. Often they are drawn to the dark side of life and can come across as crazy and dangerous.

Confident without being arrogant, they don’t care if someone likes them or not, and that’s where their super power lies! The natives of Scorpio are self-sufficient and do not need anyone to be happy!

However, they are very interested in people. They like to ask questions, find out about a person, analyze their personality… Without wanting to talk to them.

Scorpio Woman

Femme fatale, that’s the adjective that describes her best! Sexy, spectacular and full of energy, the Scorpio woman fascinates men and still remains, even after many years of marriage, a coveted treasure, an unsolved mystery, an unfinished book…

Adoring to be in the spotlight, the Scorpio woman is confident, firm, independent and knows her worth. Never a woman born under this sign will obey the finger and the eye to a man! Indeed, she is looking for a partner who respects her and will not tolerate anyone who tries to repress her, belittle her or bend her under her command.

Scorpio man

This man is proud, courageous, sure of himself and mysterious. It can be both the best and the worst thing that can happen to you. He can express all his ardor and his passion and surround you with attention but will not abandon his cold and distant side.

Remember that the Scorpio man is a leader by nature! He is used to dominating and getting what he wants! He is someone who loves comfort and luxury and who has no desire to change! On the other hand, having a great need for personal space, he can be an unbearable partner for many women!

Scorpio Child

The character traits of Scorpio are born with him and manifest themselves from his early childhood! A strong personality, independence and a mysterious side are quickly visible in little Scorpions! At first glance, these children may seem calm, but know that they experience everything that happens to them deeply and intensely. Like adults of the same sign, expressing emotions can be difficult for them. Also, they are very attached to their parents and need their love, without showing it. Combative, stubborn, courageous and resolute, they learn to manipulate others from an early age!

Element :

The element of Scorpio is water and for this sign, the current is fast and turbulent! A water that flows without restraint and that no obstacle can stop!


The two planets that interfere in the personality of Scorpio are Mars, which is responsible for its qualities and Pluto, which brings contradictions in its character traits.


Scorpio lucky numbers are 4, 5, 10, 11 and 21.


The colors that correspond to Scorpio are scarlet red, garnet and yellow.


The stones recommended for Scorpio women are Alexandrite, which prolongs life, Aquamarine, which preserves health, Coral, which gives positive energy and White Opal, which inspires and brings good luck! Alternatively, Scorpio women and men can opt for a Ruby that will help them make profitable financial decisions and choose the right partner or for a Diamond that drives away thoughts of betrayal.

The metals corresponding to Scorpio are iron and steel which symbolize his main character traits.


Several trees correspond to Scorpio. Among them, there is the Acacia which attracts money, the Oak which inspires strength and wisdom, the Chestnut which improves blood circulation, the Aspen which reduces negative energy and the Ash, responsible for inner harmony. However, the most interesting tree for a Scorpio remains the Dragon Tree, which has the power to drive away bad thoughts.


Carnation enhances the positive qualities of Scorpios while Gladiolus gives them determination. As for the Cactus, it helps to increase their mystical power and the Peony has a beneficial effect on their health and protects them against “evil spirits” and evil people. But the main flower of Scorpio is the Chrysanthemum which promotes prosperity.


Scorpios love dangerous or mysterious animals like reptiles or spiders. If they choose a dog as a pet, it will be a Doberman or a Pit Bull and if they choose a cat, it will be an Abyssinian.

Famous Scorpio natives:

Alain Delon, Florent Pagny, Florence Foresti, Stephan Bern.


How is the relationship between Scorpio man and Taurus woman?

Scorpio man and Taurus woman are opposites, and as they say, opposites attract! So it’s no wonder these two fall in love with each other. The Taurus woman dreams of a sensual man and finds it difficult to give free rein to her deep desires. The Scorpio man will give him the opportunity to flourish and discover himself like never before. The Scorpio man, on the other hand, needs reliable support and a woman who can stabilize him! Who else but the Taurus woman can give him that? Their relationship will therefore be rich, sometimes unstable but deep and tender!

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How is the relationship between the Pisces man and the Scorpio woman?

These two signs will feel attracted to each other from the first meeting. A vertiginous love will feed the couple who will live only through emotions. The Pisces man will show care and tenderness and the Scorpio woman will be delighted to be treated like a princess. However, she will need to be on her toes, as her partner may get bored and move on to another object of attention.

What are the astrological signs incompatible with the character of Scorpio?

Fire signs generally have few ties with Scorpio. We therefore cite Aries, Leo and Sagittarius who remain fiery and too impulsive in the eyes of Scorpio. While air signs like Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra may not quite get it.

Read also: Aries: personality traits of this zodiac sign

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