Astra Zeneca Vaccine Court Cases: The Truth Behind the Allegations

2023-11-12 15:08:46

If studies are to be believed, the Covid-19 vaccination from the manufacturer Astra Zeneca saved six million lives. A total of 150 million people were vaccinated worldwide.

Now the company is ending up in court in Great Britain. The accusation: Some doses of the vaccine were “defective” and the claimed effect was “greatly exaggerated”.

Among other things, the judges will have to deal with two cases from 2021 that ended tragically.

A man suffered a cerebral hemorrhage after the injection, suffered brain damage and is almost blind. One woman died after vaccination.

Serious side effects of this kind have always been denied during the global vaccination campaign. But the fact is: Astra Zeneca itself admits the danger. Bleeding disorders are possible that could be fatal.

A total of eighty cases in Great Britain are to be dealt with in the first instance with a compensation amount of over 90 million euros.

Today, families receive the equivalent of almost 140,000 euros if someone is significantly harmed by a vaccination recommended by the government. The lawsuits have now been filed because, according to experts, this regulation is outdated.

Astra Zeneca said the vaccine had “an acceptable safety profile” and that the benefits outweighed the “extremely rare potential side effects.”

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