“Asthma is a catastrophic disease that can lead to death”

To improve the lives of people with asthma, researchers are trying to develop a vaccine to fight the symptoms of severe asthma.

With 3.5 million French people affected, asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases. It is characterized by inflammation (or irritation) of the bronchi which manifests itself in seizures. “When breathing, air travels through the bronchi to reach the lungs. In a person with asthma, the inner lining of these ducts (bronchial mucosa) is irritated and thickened. This permanent inflammation makes the bronchi sensitive, subject to excessive reactions in the presence of contributing factors.“, details Ameli Health.

Asthma can affect anyone even without a family history. “The attack may last a few minutes or much longer until status asthmaticus develops. In this case, the person in this evil vision, hyperventilates to be able to breathe. And there, it is the great asthmatic evil which can lead to death“, met en garde Dr Christian Recchia.

Towards a vaccine?

In the magazine Allergy, scientists from Inserm, CNRS, Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier University, the Institut Pasteur and the company Neovacs have published the results of their discovery. Indeed, the team is paving the way for a vaccine trial in humans. In people with asthma, exposure to allergens “causes a cascade of reactions resulting in hyperresponsiveness of the airways, overproduction of mucus and eosinophilia (an excessively high level of white blood cells called eosinophils in the airways)“, details the Inserm press release.

This vaccine was able to significantly decrease IgE levels, eosinophilia, mucus production and airway hyperreactivity in a house dust mite allergic asthma model“, summary the Pasteur Institute. Results observed up to three months following the injection which must now be confirmed in a clinical trial.

A physical activity

“A vaccination once morest allergic asthma represents a hope for long-term treatment of this chronic disease, and beyond that, a prospect of reducing allergy symptoms linked to other factors, since this vaccine targets molecules involved in different allergies”emphasizes Pierre Bruhns, head of the Antibodies in Therapy and Pathology Unit at the Institut Pasteur.

When manifestations of asthma occur, it is imperative to consult a specialist in order to best contain the disease and identify the factors triggering the crisis: “By making a diagnosis, you will manage 50% of the therapy. A small indication, an asthmatic child who plays sports divides his asthma attacks by ten“, explains Dr. Recchia. Indeed, the control of asthma is necessary to maintain a good quality of life. “Asthma is also the disease of sedentary people and asthma in a person who is well in his head and who is well on the vegetative level is an asthmatic who almost heals himself“, encourages Dr. Recchia.

VIDEO – Health Diary – Dr Christian Recchia: “4 million people are affected by asthma each year”



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