Association of Salvadoran journalists registers more than 100 attacks in 2022

San Salvador, Dec 17 (EFE).- The Association of Journalists of El Salvador (APES) registered more than 100 attacks against the press between January and mid-November, according to data from its Monitoring Center to which EFE had access.

The report indicates that up to November 20, 107 attacks were recorded, with 44 women journalists affected and 50 men.

The APES, which has also suffered 3 attacks, computed 10 “collective cases” and 8 against the media in the indicated period.

Similarly, the Association gives an account of 10 journalists who have left the country “in exile”, of which 7 are men and 3 women.

In 2021, the APES registered a total of 219 violations against the press, while in 2020 there were 125 and 77 in 2019.

The violations range, according to APES records, from physical and verbal threats to blocking access to public information, intimidation and restrictions on journalistic practice.

On December 13, APES denounced the “arbitrary” detention of a team of journalists from the newspaper La Prensa Gráfica (LPG) by some thirty police officers and soldiers while they were covering the construction of a prison in the east of the country.

The affected journalists told APES that the state agents “forced them to delete all the photographs and videos they had taken from their cell phones, cameras, and drones.”

On the 14th, APES also published an alert in which it indicated that the military “restricted journalistic practice and intimidated a journalist from El Diario de Hoy during a coverage in the military fence installed in the Municipality of Sovapango, San Salvador.”

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(c) EFE Agency

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