Assessment of student achievement in CP, CE1, CE2, CM1 and CM2: descriptive sheets of …

Assessment of student achievement in CP

Assessment of student achievements for the start of CP

The CP Start of Year Guide assessment is made up of 19 exercises. Parents can learn about the contents of the exercises by clicking on the links below, which explain each exercise:

  • The instruction read to the student
  • The duration of the exercise
  • The interest of the exercise
  • The number of questions
  • Reading the results
  • Exercise expectations (what your child needs to be able to do to succeed)



Assessment of student achievement for the CP Progress Report

The CP Milestone Assessment is made up of 14 exercises. Parents can learn about the contents of the exercises by clicking on the links below where each exercise is explained:

  • The instruction read to the student
  • The duration of the exercise
  • The interest of the exercise
  • The number of questions
  • Reading the results
  • Exercise expectations (what your child needs to be able to do to succeed)



Assessing students’ achievements in CP: benchmarks for success

Assessment of student achievement in CE1

The CE1 Repères assessment is made up of 17 exercises. Parents can find out the contents of the exercises by clicking on the links below where each exercise is explained:

  • The instruction read to the student
  • The duration of the exercise
  • The interest of the exercise
  • The number of questions
  • Reading the results
  • Exercise expectations (what your child needs to be able to do to succeed)



Assessment of student achievement in CE1: start-of-year benchmarks

Assessment of student achievement in CE2

The descriptive sheets for the CE2 Repères exercises will be published soon.

Assessment of student achievement in CM1

Parents can find out about the contents of the exercises by clicking on the links below, which explain each exercise:



Assessment of student achievement in CM1: start-of-year benchmarks

Assessment of student achievement in CM2

The descriptive sheets for the CM2 Repères exercises will be published soon.



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