Assembly on antenna in council chamber, prime minister undertakes to convene …

San Felice a Cancello. The issue of the installation of the 5G telephone antenna in via Palombara is still in the spotlight, where the signature collection continues. As we had already said, we are trying to find a solution. Yesterday a meeting was scheduled at the Town Hall, organized by the president of the city council Joseph Magliulo.

This is the committee’s note:

As organized by Mr. Giuseppe MAGLIULO, yesterday evening at 6:30 pm a meeting was supposed to take place at the Office of the First Citizen between the Mayor, the President of the City Council, the Area Manager of the mobile telephone company, two representatives of the SFAC Citizens’ Committee and the owner of the land in via Palombara, where the construction site of the technological system is located, in order to route possible solutions and/or waivers for the installation of said system.

At the appointed time, in addition to the representation of the Municipal Administration and the SFAC Citizens’ Committee, a large group of supporters of the Committee were also present, gathered in a composed manner in the small square in front of the Town Hall.

Having waited in vain for the arrival of the other main guests, and having appreciated the composure and good sense of the supporters of the SFAC Citizens’ Committee, the Mayor, in the spirit of maximum transparency and collaboration, deemed it appropriate to extend the meeting to all those present by making the Council Chamber available.

Therefore, the meeting was cancelled and a public debate took place during which it was possible to understand the private nature of the matter and the fundamental importance of the persevering and peaceful action carried out so far by the SFAC Citizens’ Committee.
Since the main subjects did not attend, Giuseppe Magliulo took on the commitment to reconvene a further meeting as soon as possible.
The SFAC Citizens’ Committee, which stands out for its respect for commitments, for people, for its unity and peacefulness, awaiting the new convocation, will continue tirelessly in the arduous undertaking that marked its foundation.



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