Assault rifle stolen in Wels-Pernau: police officer convicted

The conditional prison sentence of five months with a probationary period of three years and a fine are already legally binding.

The district inspector, who has been working as a law enforcement officer since 2010, was accused of deleting data relating to himself and his ex-wife and of removing several documents – including from career candidates – from police premises. Before judge Dietmar Wassertheurer, the 37-year-old justified his act with personal disadvantages that he feared based on the data.

Theft in Wels-Pernau 2015

In June 2023, a stolen assault rifle with four magazines was recovered in the defendant’s house, which was stolen in 2015 from the Wels-Pernau police station, where the police officer was on duty at the time. The man legally owned the other weapons found – a total of 20 and thousands of rounds of ammunition. At that time he still had his hunting license. Also in the man’s possession was a tracer central fire cartridge, which was subsequently confiscated.

The defendant confessed and said he wanted to take responsibility for his actions. He doesn’t know why he did that. He really wants to continue with the police service. Disciplinary proceedings are still pending in this regard. In addition to the conditional prison sentence, the official must pay a fine of 720 euros (180 daily rates of four euros each). As Judge Wassertheurer explained, the 37-year-old’s confession was a significant mitigating factor. His integrity and previous orderly lifestyle were also taken into account. Apart from this fact, he always demonstrated “impeccable work behavior”.



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