Assassination attack of Slovak prime minister: Who is the alleged perpetrator of the attack – 2024-07-23 07:17:52

The person who has been arrested and charged as he shot Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico at close range is a writer, 71 years old, originally from the central part of the country, Slovak media reports.

Slovakia – Murderous attack: What is the condition of Prime Minister Robert Fico

“I think I can confirm that, yes,” Interior Minister Matus Sutai Estok told reporters when asked about the identity of the alleged attacker, who according to press reports is one of the founders of the Dúha (Rainbow) literary club. ) in the town of Levice.

Publications of the Slovak press state that o stylist in particular, he has published three poetry collections and is a member of the Slovak Writers’ Union.

The body confirmed via Facebook that he has been a member of the association since 2015, adding that if he is confirmed to be the perpetrator of the attack “the membership of this despicable person will be revoked immediately”.

The suspect’s son told the news site that his father he legally owned a gun and had a firearms license.

Asked about his father’s feelings towards Mr. Fitso, he replied “I can tell you one thing: He didn’t vote for him. That’s all I can say.”

Various statements of the author are available on social networking sites.

In a video he uploaded online eight years ago, he declared: “The world is full of violence and guns. The world seems to have gone mad.”

He added that he founded an “anti-violence movement” in Levice, which it says on its website is “a political party whose purpose is to prevent the spread of violence in society.”

“political motive”

Fighting back tears, Defense Secretary Robert Kaliniak said earlier that the condition of Prime Minister Fitzgerald, 59, was “very serious”.

According to eyewitnesses, at least five shots were fired when the center-left nationalist populist head of government was attacked.

Interior Minister Estok commented that the motive for the attack was “political”.

Despite an official embargo on broadcasting information about the case, Slovakian TV channel TA3 aired a video of the alleged perpetrator saying he “does not agree with government policy” and referring specifically to the Fico government’s decision to shut down public radio and television RTVS, against which protests have been organized for weeks.

Mr. Estok, announcing that measures to protect politicians and journalists are increasing, called on politicians of all stripes to stop “inciting hatred against their opponents through social networking sites.”

Liberal opposition leader Michal Simecsa canceled all his scheduled appearances indefinitely yesterday afternoon, including a protest against the government that was due to take place in the evening.

A meeting of the Slovak national delegation scheduled for yesterday has already been postponed indefinitely.

Source: RES-MPE

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