Asphalt blanket – what is it and what is it for?

2023-05-30 18:42:23

The asphalt blanket is a material used in civil construction for waterproofing and protection purposes of structures. Composed of a layer of modified asphalt, the blanket offers several advantages and is widely used in different applications.

blanket options

One of the available options is the self-adhesive blanket, which has an adhesive film on the underside. This makes its application easier and more practical, allowing direct attachment to surfaces such as slabs, roofs and walls. This type of asphalt blanket provides an efficient seal, preventing leaks and water infiltration.

Another alternative is the liquid blanket, which is distinguished by its application form. This type of blanket is sold in a liquid format, which facilitates its use in areas with complex geometries and difficult access. The liquid asphalt blanket forms a continuous and flexible layer, adapting to surface irregularities and ensuring effective protection against humidity. The adhesive asphalt blanket is an option that combines the practicality of self-adhesion with the versatility of application on different substrates. It can be used on roofs, slabs, walls and even in underground areas, providing a secure and long-lasting seal.


In addition to the waterproofing function, it also contributes to the thermal and acoustic insulation of structures. It forms an efficient barrier against the passage of heat and noise, providing comfort to indoor environments. The asphalt blanket is an essential investment to prevent damage caused by moisture, such as infiltration, deterioration of materials and the appearance of mold. Its proper application ensures protection and prolongs the useful life of structures, avoiding future expenses with repairs and maintenance.

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The asphalt blanket plays a fundamental role in the preservation of structures

In short, the blanket is a versatile and efficient resource for waterproofing and protecting various surfaces. Either through the self-adhesive blanket, the liquid or the adhesive asphalt blanket, this material plays a key role in preserving structures and ensuring the comfort and safety of environments. Invest in an asphalt blanket and avoid problems arising from humidity, keeping your constructions protected and durable over time.

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