Asp of Palermo, Todaro contests the appointment of the former director of the Policlinico Levita

The secretary of the Fgu Gilda union, University department, Paolo Todaro, does not “let go” of Nino Levita, former health director of the Policlinico. As already happened in Messina between 2018 and 2019, Todaro wrote to the President of the Region Schifani: “With great bitterness I learned that the general management of the ASP of Palermo, under the direction of Dr. Daniela Faraoni, has appointed Dr. Antonino Levita as Health Director. The same Dr. Levita had already been Health Director at the Aou Martino of Messina in the three-year period 2019-2022, and during that period he was the subject of numerous complaints by the union that I represent both to the competent institutions and to the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Messina, due to his total lack – according to Todaro – of the requirements provided for by law. It is painful to note that this appointment represents an offense to all those who, within the Regional Health Service, work daily to respect the law and to bring to light the mismanagement and corruption that afflict the Health Authorities of our Region. Furthermore, I would like to emphasize that Dr. Levita is an employee of the University of Messina, belonging to the former Ep category, in service at the AOU G. Martino of Messina; this personnel carries out healthcare activities as a medical director, but due to an incorrect interpretation by the Company’s Commissioner’s Office, was excluded from the assignment of management roles of Operating Units”.

The Region: “Regulate the appointment of Levita”

“Recently, on the GURS Concorsi, a notice was published for an internal selection procedure, based on qualifications and interview, by the AOU Martino, for the legal attribution of the managerial qualification to medical and healthcare personnel of the EP category, following the regional law n. 5 of 13 June 2023. I would like to underline that I believe both law 5/2023 – continues Todaro – and the subsequent notice to be totally illegitimate due to serious defects of constitutional legitimacy. It is truly singular that 140 EP doctors
(including Dr. Levita) must take a competitive exam to continue to practice the profession of medical director and therefore aspire to the position of head of an operational unit, while at the same time Dr. Levita himself is appointed Health Director. I conclude by asking you to intervene regarding the appointment of Dr. Antonino Levita as health director, recalling that Article 2 of DA no. 2208/18 provides for the verification of the requirements within 15 days of the appointment, before the signing of the relevant contract, in the exclusive interest of compliance with the law”.



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