Asly upper limit: Dornauer also distances himself from SPÖ boss Babler

Asly upper limit: Dornauer also distances himself from SPÖ boss Babler

Dornauer not only supports the upper asylum limit put forward by the Burgenland state chief Hans Peter Doskozil, but even goes one step further: “You can even discuss with me whether the upper asylum limit should not be zero in Austria for the coming years,” he said in an interview the “standard”.

If Dornauer has his way, the SPÖ should “move towards the pragmatic center, towards the realities of life”. Muchitsch also recently spoke out in favor of correcting the brand profile of his party and the party chairman. Babler managed to tie up the left half, but Muchitsch would like to see a more business-oriented positioning.

For course correction

When asked whether it was a mistake that Babler excluded the current ÖVP as a potential coalition partner, Dornauer said: “The federal party chairman is currently concentrating on programmatic party work internally. I hope his strategy is working.”

Overall, Dornauer would like his party to correct its course: “We have to make sensible policies for sensible people. Ensure progress, but take people along with us.” The SPÖ has partially failed to do this in the past two decades “and has shown too much aloofness,” said Dornauer: “I might now start with the gender star debate… And very loud voices in the party are currently partly responsible for all of this .”

“More important than being right internally is being right from the outside,” emphasized Dornauer: “Declaring a star debate out there and then getting elected, someone should show me how it works.”

“Right overtaking maneuver”

There was criticism of the red state party chairman on Saturday from the Innsbruck Greens, who have to fight a local council and mayoral election in April. By saying that Dornauer might imagine a ban on asylum, he was denigrating human rights “and is launching a right-wing overtaking maneuver in order to overtake not only Doskozil, but also the FPÖ on the right,” said club chairman Dejan Lukovic. He also found it “cynical” that Dornauer wouldn’t drink beer with Kickl: “Anyone who implements Kickl’s anti-human policy doesn’t even have to go and have a small beer with him.”


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