Åslaug Haga: The development of renewable energy in Norway is moving at a snail’s pace

Åslaug Haga: The development of renewable energy in Norway is moving at a snail’s pace

Renewable Norway leader Åslaug Haga presented their recent report “Roadmap for the renewable industry 2024 – on a team with people and nature” to Energy Minister Terje Aasland (Ap) on Wednesday afternoon.

In the report, the organization makes several recommendations for what the Norwegian authorities must do in order for Norway to become a zero-emissions society by 2050.

Among other things, they believe that the municipalities and local communities must receive more financial compensation, that the capacity of the power grid must be increased, as well as the introduction of time limits for license processing.

– If we are to manage to achieve the goal of cutting 90-95 per cent of our greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and at the same time secure existing and new industry, Norway’s energy system must go through a formidable transformation, says Haga.

This will require a large-scale development of renewable energy, says Haga, who believes that hardly any renewable energy is currently being built in Norway at all.

– For every kroner we invest in renewable power generation this year, we invest 27 kroner in oil and gas. It is not hanging in the balance at a time when we have to achieve strong emission cuts in order to limit climate change, she says.

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2024-08-22 15:49:09



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