“Ask anyone…”: Julia Vial could not wait and responded without a filter to Mauricio Israel after an unexpected accusation

One of those controversy arose in Farandulandia after an unexpected message launched this week by Mauricio Israel, in which he pointed directly against Julia Vial.

The journalist brought up an alleged event that had occurred in 2008, when the two coincided on La Red. In fact, the communicator made a particular accusation against the journalist.

According to his story, at the time Julia invented a story on the screen about an outstanding debt that he had with a doorman from the aforementioned channel, from whom he had asked for money.

“I hope that Julia, and I tell you looking into your eyes, that it will help you when you get back up, since you will surely achieve it, because you are a tremendous professional. Do not forget what just happened to you, so that you never mop the floor with someone who is having a bad time again, I wish you good luck, ”he said without mincing words after learning about his recent departure from La Red .

For the same reason, now it was the same journalist who came up against criticism in the midst of her visit this Thursday to the Zona de Estrellas, where she was consulted about the situation.

Julia Vial’s response

“I am outraged, very angry, a lot. Because it was my moment of fame, and she seized it. Until when, whoever talks about, she talks about him. Crazy yoyo, stop. He stole a minute of fame from me, ”she ironized from the outset.

And about it, he added: “I send you a lot of love. Daniela (Aránguiz), do you think that what Mauricio Israel says can matter to me? No. I don’t understand his point, his logic. I’m not having a bad time, nothing has happened to me, I don’t understand what you mean”.

Vial then directly addressed the account of Israel. “He said that this was not true (the story of the guard), that he had made up a story, that he had brought me a car. Ask anyone on the channel who worked on La Red at that time, ”he said.

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“I send him a lot of light, a lot of love, he fights with everyone every day. Let’s slow down, we are in complex times, ”she said in zen mode.

Finally, the cheerleader preferred to reveal what her reaction was when she heard the garbage from Israel.

“I died laughing, it was like, are you bothering me? (…) I know who I am. Altiro I recognize my mistakes, I have sent some giant condors, and I have gone to ask for forgiveness, I go, I recognize and I will show my face when I have to show my face, ”she said.

“This ‘passes on’ after so many years, saying that I made up a story, but I didn’t. It doesn’t matter, I send you love, light, to be happy, I believe that in life you have to learn to be happy, ”she concluded.

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