Asir girls.. From university to nursing home • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Writer Muhammad Al-Saad commented on the incident of the girls of the Asir Nursing Home, saying: “In 2012, the undercover “Muslim Brotherhood” used the female students of King Khalid University in Abha to create the explosive and revolutionary plug that they had worked on for decades… So what is this plug? .

girls difficult

Al-Saad explained, in his article, “Asir Girls.. From the University to the Care Home,” published in the newspaper, “Okaz,” “The Brotherhood has been working for years on creating nightmares, spreading frustration, distrusting and fighting between groups and minorities to create animosity between society and the state, in pursuit of the liquidity industry that facilitates They may revolutionize one day, and then search for a plug to set fire to the outskirts of the country, and this plug is often a passing incident, but it enjoys collective sympathy.

passion Association

He pointed out: “Let us recall the incident of the Egyptian Khaled Saeed, a young man accused of possessing and selling drugs in one of the Egyptian cities. It might have passed as a normal incident like any drug user in any country in the world who is arrested and investigated, but his sudden death during the period of detention prompted the brothers Egypt to set fire to his story and invoke collective emotion, the Muslim Brotherhood, who was empowered by former President Hosni Mubarak and gave them a third of the parliament, betrayed him. Although they are just rumors, they prepared the Egyptians for a promising day.”

blast the situation

He continued: “The Brotherhood was not able to turn Khaled Said into Gabes to explode the situation as they wished, which is the incident that occurred in early 2010, but they took advantage of the January 25, 2011 protests to turn them into an icon around which the demonstrators would gather and justify their protests that eventually led to the burning and flooding of Egypt and the coup once morest congrats”.

events discord

And he added: “Saudi Arabia was not far from the conspiracies, and the Brotherhood and their allies from the enemies of Saudi Arabia in the region and the world tried to cause sedition in it in any way, and they had no choice but to manufacture it instead of waiting for it, and as usual they thought that the liquidity that they created for decades once morest the rule and the state in the Kingdom is ready, until Some of their symbols said that the historical opportunity has come, and one of them even returned from South Africa, thinking that he and his followers would be Khomeini of Saudi Arabia.

collar loyalty

And he continued, “The countries were rippling around the stable kingdom, and the calls for protests adopted by the Brotherhood’s wing in London always failed. Indeed, news agencies, newspapers and foreign channels came in one of them following they assured them that the moment the Brotherhood had long been waiting for had come, did they not divide society into a liberal one? Western and conservative, did they not support terrorism and bombings once morest Western interests and sects, did they not distort the state and the circles surrounding it to break the collar of loyalty it enjoys, but these attempts failed miserably and the people remained united around his leadership.

turn around popular

He explained: “The fabrication of a limited clash between the students of King Khalid University in 2012 came to be the spark for the expected explosion, according to the wishes of the Brotherhood. Employing it in the Western and regional media that is biased towards them, however, the conspiracy they created did not succeed in their eyes, because of a very simple and deep reason, which is the solid popular rally around the state,” noting: “As for why this university in particular, the Brotherhood sees in Yemen the southern neighbor an environment ready to infiltrate from it to the Saudi lands and support their supporters if their plan succeeded, recalling the Libyan experience of Benghazi and the lies and forgery that were spread around it regarding mercenaries, killings and attacks that were not real, but its promotion deceived the Libyans and many believed those lies.

Event spontaneous

He continued: “For me, any incident that occurs, even if it is innocent – such as the incident of the social care home in Abha – must be looked at from all angles, in order to treat it first, and to understand its depths secondly. Absurdity, as well as the caution that there are parties ready inside and outside to employ any spontaneous event, or manufacture it for the detonation they are waiting for.”

Dar Care difficult

He concluded: “The incident of the girls of the Asir nursing home immediately reminds me of the girls of the university. As for the external organization that interacted with the case and was ready with films and stories before the investigations ended, it requires a long pause in front of it. In order to blow up society following they despaired of being swept away by their calls and rumors.”

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