Asia in 2023: A Year Marked by Unrelenting Natural Disasters Driven by Climate Change

While Europe has experienced unusually hot and dry weather in recent months, with droughts, heatwaves and wildfires, Asia has experienced even more extreme and destructive weather in 2023.

According to the meteorological data of 2023, the Asia is the region with the most natural disasters due to the climate crisis, with floods and storms causing the highest number of victims, a report reveals UN.

“OR climate change increased the frequency and severity of these types of phenomena, deeply affecting societies, economies and, even more importantly, human lives and the environment we live in,” says Celeste Saulo, secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in communication.

2023 was globally the hottest year on record. In Asia, the effects of heat waves are becoming more and more serious, the WMO underlines in its report, while adding that the melting of glaciers – mainly in the Himalayan mountain range – threatens water security in the region.

Asia is also warming faster than the global average, with temperatures in the region last year nearly two degrees Celsius above the average recorded from 1961 to 1990.

“Many people in the region experienced 2023 as the hottest year on record and was accompanied by a series of extreme events, from droughts and heat waves to floods and storms,” ​​the UN report underlines.

The State of the Climate in Asia 2023 report highlights the accelerating pace of key climate change indicators such as surface temperature, glacier retreat and sea level rise. At the same time, he emphasizes that these phenomena will have serious effects on the societies, economies and ecosystems of the region.

Heat, melting glaciers and floods

The 2023 mean annual near-surface temperature in Asia was the second warmest on record, 0.91 degrees Celsius above the 1991-2000 average and 1.87 degrees Celsius above the average term of the period 1961-1990.

Particularly high average temperatures were recorded from western Siberia to central Asia and from eastern China to Japan, the report noted. Japan experienced its hottest summer on record.

As for rainfall, it was less than normal in the Himalayas and the Hindu Kush mountain range in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Southwest China has also been affected by drought, with below-normal rainfall levels for almost all months of the year.

The Asian region with its high mountain ranges contains the largest volume of glaciers after the two poles. In recent decades, the volume of most glaciers in Asia has declined, and at an accelerating rate, the WMO points out.

At the same time, the report points out that the sea surface temperature in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean in 2023 was the highest ever recorded.

According to newsit, last year there were 79 disasters linked to hydrometeorological phenomena in Asia. Of these more than 80% were floods and storms, which caused the death of over 2,000 people. Nine million people were directly affected.

“Floods were by far the leading cause of death of all events recorded in 2023,” WMO explains.

Following a typhoon, Hong Kong recorded 158.1mm of rainfall in one hour on 7 September 2023, a record since records were kept in 1884.

“It is essential that our actions and our strategies reflect the urgency of this time,” emphasizes Saulo. “Limiting greenhouse gases and adapting to climate change are fundamental needs,” he adds.

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#Asia #Dozens #natural #disasters #due #climate #change

– How ‌is Asia impacted by rising temperatures ⁣and extreme weather events in 2023?

Asia Bears ​the Brunt of ⁣Extreme Weather in ⁤2023: A Region of Rising Temperatures, Melting Glaciers, and Devastating Floods

As the world grapples with the devastating ⁤effects of ​climate change, Asia has emerged as the region most affected‍ by natural disasters in 2023. A recent report ⁤by the United Nations reveals that floods, storms, and other⁤ extreme weather events have caused‌ unprecedented destruction and loss⁣ of life in the region.

A Region of Rising Temperatures

According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO),‌ 2023 was the hottest year ​on record globally, and Asia was⁤ no exception. The region witnessed temperatures nearly two degrees Celsius above‌ the average recorded from 1961 to 1990, with ‍many countries ‍experiencing their hottest year on record. The consequences of this⁢ rising temperature ⁣have been far-reaching, with heatwaves,⁢ droughts, and wildfires⁢ wreaking havoc on communities and ecosystems ‌alike.

Melting Glaciers and Water​ Security

The‌ Himalayan ⁢mountain range, home to the largest volume of glaciers outside the polar regions, has been particularly hard hit. The WMO report highlights the accelerating‌ pace​ of glacier retreat,⁤ which poses a significant threat to water security in the region. As glaciers melt at an alarming rate, the⁣ supply of freshwater is under threat,⁤ putting millions of people at risk of water scarcity.

Floods and ‍Storms: The Leading Cause of Death

The ​report ‌also reveals ⁤that floods⁤ and storms were the leading cause of death in Asia in 2023, accounting for over 2,000 fatalities ⁣and affecting nearly nine million ‌people.‍ The ‌region witnessed 79 disasters linked to hydrometeorological phenomena, with floods​ and storms making up over⁣ 80% of these events. The economic losses from these ⁢disasters have been staggering, with⁢ entire ‌communities‌ and industries devastated by the ⁣destruction.

Record-Breaking ⁢Rainfall and ⁤Sea ‌Surface Temperatures

In 2023, Hong Kong​ recorded 158.1mm of ​rainfall in just one hour, a record since records began‌ in 1884. ‍Similarly, the sea surface temperature in the‌ northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean was ⁤the highest ever recorded. These extreme weather events are ⁤a stark reminder of the devastating ‌impact of climate change on ⁣our planet.

A Call to Action

Celeste Saulo, Secretary-General of the WMO, ‌emphasizes the urgent need‌ for action, stating, “It is essential⁤ that our actions and our strategies reflect⁢ the urgency of this time. Limiting greenhouse gases and adapting to climate change are fundamental needs.” As⁣ the world struggles to come to terms with​ the devastating effects of climate change, it is clear that Asia is on the frontline of this crisis.

Key Takeaways

Asia is‍ the region ‍most affected by natural disasters in 2023, with ⁤floods, storms, and heatwaves causing ⁢unprecedented destruction and loss of life.

The region is warming faster than the global average, with temperatures in 2023 nearly two degrees Celsius above ‍the average recorded from‍ 1961 to 1990.

The melting of glaciers, particularly in ⁣the Himalayan‌ mountain range, threatens water security in the region.

Floods and storms were the leading cause of death in Asia⁤ in 2023, accounting for​ over 2,000‍ fatalities and affecting nearly nine⁤ million ​people.

*⁢ The WMO is calling ⁤for urgent action to limit greenhouse gases and‌ adapt to climate change, ​emphasizing ⁢the need for collective action to mitigate the devastating‌ effects ⁤of ‍climate⁣ change.

By recognizing ⁢the severity of the climate crisis in Asia, we can begin to take steps towards a ⁣more sustainable future. It is crucial ⁣that governments,⁣ industries, and individuals come together to ⁣address the root causes of climate change and work⁤ towards a⁢ more‍ resilient ​and adaptive world.

What types of extreme weather events impacted Asia in 2023?

Asia Experiences Extreme and Destructive Weather in 2023: A Region in Crisis

While Europe has been facing unusually hot and dry weather in recent months, with droughts, heatwaves, and wildfires, Asia has experienced even more extreme and destructive weather in 2023. According to the meteorological data, Asia is the region with the most natural disasters due to the climate crisis, with floods and storms causing the highest number of victims, a report reveals by the UN.

The Devastating Consequences of Climate Change

“Climate change has increased the frequency and severity of these types of phenomena, deeply affecting societies, economies, and, even more importantly, human lives and the environment we live in,” says Celeste Saulo, secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The WMO has emphasized that the melting of glaciers, mainly in the Himalayan mountain range, threatens water security in the region.

Record-Breaking Temperatures

2023 was globally the hottest year on record. In Asia, the effects of heat waves are becoming more and more serious, with temperatures in the region last year nearly two degrees Celsius above the average recorded from 1961 to 1990. Many people in the region experienced 2023 as the hottest year on record, accompanied by a series of extreme events, from droughts and heat waves to floods and storms.

The State of the Climate in Asia 2023 Report

The report highlights the accelerating pace of key climate change indicators such as surface temperature, glacier retreat, and sea level rise. At the same time, it emphasizes that these phenomena will have serious effects on the societies, economies, and ecosystems of the region.

Heat, Melting Glaciers, and Floods

The 2023 mean annual near-surface temperature in Asia was the second warmest on record, 0.91 degrees Celsius above the 1991-2000 average and 1.87 degrees Celsius above the average term of the period 1961-1990. Japan experienced its hottest summer on record, while western Siberia to central Asia and eastern China to Japan recorded particularly high average temperatures.

Drought and Floods

Rainfall was less than normal in the Himalayas and the Hindu Kush mountain range in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Southwest China was also affected by drought, with below-normal rainfall levels for almost all months of the year. On the other hand, Hong Kong recorded 158.1mm of rainfall in one hour on 7 September 2023, a record since records were kept in 1884.

How is Asia Impacted by Rising Temperatures and Extreme Weather Events in 2023?

The Asian region, with its high mountain ranges, contains the largest volume of glaciers after the two poles. In recent decades, the volume of most glaciers in Asia has declined, and at an accelerating rate, the WMO points out. At the same time, the report notes that the sea surface temperature in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean in 2023 was the highest ever recorded.

Disasters and Consequences

According to newsit, last year there were 79 disasters linked to hydrometeorological phenomena in Asia. Of these, more than 80% were floods and storms, which caused the death of over 2,000 people. Nine million people were directly affected. “Floods were by far the leading cause of death of all events recorded in 2023,” WMO explains.

Urgent Action Needed

“It is essential that our actions and our strategies reflect the urgency of this time,” emphasizes Saulo. “Limiting greenhouse gases and adapting to climate change are fundamental needs,” he adds.

As the climate crisis continues to wreak havoc on the Asian region, it is essential that governments, policymakers, and individuals take immediate action to mitigate the effects of climate change and work towards a sustainable future.



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