ASEAN Dengue Day: Raising Awareness and Strengthening Regional Cooperation to Combat a Major Public Health Challenge

2023-06-14 02:00:42

Set for June 15, ASEAN Dengue Day aims to raise awareness of dengue fever, which rages each year in member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral disease that affects millions of people worldwide, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions.

ASEAN Dengue Day (ADD) was established in 2010 as a collaborative effort among ASEAN member countries to combat the dengue epidemic, considered a major public health challenge in the region.

The event aims to inform the public about dengue prevention and control measures, promote community participation and strengthen regional cooperation in the fight against this disease.

During ASEAN Dengue Fever Day, various activities and campaigns are held in ASEAN member states. These can include educational programs in schools and communities, public health campaigns, seminars, workshops, and media campaigns aimed at disseminating information about dengue prevention, symptoms, and treatment.

The day serves as a platform to mobilize resources, share best practices and encourage collaboration among ASEAN countries to fight dengue fever.

This year, ADD will be commemorated at the 6th Asian Dengue Summit 2023 in Bangkok from June 15-16. Under the theme “Roadmap to zero dengue deaths”, several thousand experts and doctors will come together to help prevent and treat dengue fever.

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