Asahi TV variety show rankings “It’s Okay to End”, “Sawatsu! ” and “High Rating Programs” unexpectedly surpassed “Friday” to take first place |[光文社週刊誌]

“Zejin!” was selected as the second place. Nagashima Hajime who starred in “Friday”

“typeprogramJapan is recognized as a nation with a substantial population. Numerous television stations air variety shows throughout the day, but which programs do viewers feel have run their course? TV Asahi” Version.

A magazine conducted a survey among 500 women aged 30 to 60 who love television, asking which variety show they felt should be canceled. The focus was on 16 major programs that air during prime time on TV Asahi.

Let’s examine the top five shows.

[Fifth Place]”Question and Answer Variety Show Mr. Q!” 36 votes

This quiz show premiered in October 2004 and will soon celebrate its 20th anniversary. “Q-sama” is short for “Quiz Summers,” hosted by Summers, Yuka, and Kazumi Takayama. Why is it deemed “fit to end”?

“The content and quiz participants haven’t changed much, resulting in repetitiveness. Honestly, I’m getting bored. (60s, part-time worker, Tokyo)”
“Before it became a prime-time show, it aired late at night and served as a form of entertainment. Unfortunately, it has now transitioned into just another quiz show, and moving to late-night wasn’t beneficial—primetime shows were better. (50s, part-time worker, Tokyo)”

[Fourth Place]“Nani Colle Chin Hyakkei” 42 votes

Neptune and their guests introduce rare landscapes from across the country and decide whether they should be recognized as part of the “100 Rare Landscapes.” The program has been aired sporadically since 2008.

“When it first began, I was often amazed by the strange places featured. However, now the content feels both bizarre and mundane. I think they’ve exhausted their ideas. (40 years old, office worker, Akita Prefecture)
“It was entertaining before, but now it’s just a collection of fun videos, making it dull.” (50, part-time worker, Ibaraki Prefecture)

[Third Place] “Is 100,000 yen okay? 45 votes”

The show started as a late-night program in 2017 and began airing every Monday during prime time since 2019. It explores whether Kis-My-Ft2 can accomplish various themes within a budget of 100,000 yen. The Sandwich Man is also featured on the show.

“If you’re not a die-hard fan of Mushu, it’s not enjoyable at all. Spending even 100,000 yen feels like a waste.” (50, part-time worker, Tokyo)
“I believe there were issues with cheating in this project when it was connected to a lottery. I’ve heard they had problems even before that. I can’t believe it continues to happen.” (40s, part-time worker, Akita Prefecture)

[Second Place] “Zezu! Friday” 46 votes

A talk show that debuted in 2018, featuring Nagashima Kazunari, Yoshizumi Ishihara, Chisako Takashima, Shigeo Takahashi of Savannah, and others.

“It’s deeply frustrating to hear inconsiderate young women and celebrities sharing whatever comes to mind. Their comments feel so superficial. (60s, housewife, Tokyo)”
“I can’t comprehend what Ms. Kazushige is saying, and I find Ms. Izuchisako excessively rude. Is there truly anyone who understands what these individuals are conveying? (50 years old, unemployed, Kanagawa Prefecture)”

[First Place] “Potsuun to Ikkenya” 55 votes

This show began airing regularly in 2018, featuring Suo George and Lin Zhi, who explore houses in remote locations such as mountainous areas and investigate the reasons behind and lifestyles of the inhabitants.

“I have always thought it was merely a program that indicated to thieves where to strike easily. (40s, unemployed, Tokushima Prefecture)”
“Since it clearly identifies locations, it raises the risk of being targeted by criminals. This is a program that should definitely be discontinued. (50s, housewife, Hokkaido).”

In May 2024, following a series of burglaries in mountain houses, some individuals criticized the program for disclosing personal information, which heightened the risk of crime.

In 2023, TV Asahi achieved the “Family Triple Crown” (All-day, Golden, Prime) for the first time since its establishment. Variety shows had impressive performances, particularly “Sawatsu! Friday,” which garnered an annual average viewership of 7.4% among all individual viewers, making it the top program among regular variety shows on all stations. “Nani Colle Chin Hyakkei” and “Potsun to Ikkenya” also received high ratings. While these shows are popular, there remains considerable opposition against them (ratings are based on video research in the Kanto region).

Smart Flash

Asahi TV Variety Show Rankings: The Programs Viewers Want to End

Asahi TV variety show rankings

“Zejin!” was selected as the second place. Nagashima Hajime who starred in “Friday”

In Japan, variety shows dominate the television landscape, attracting viewers from all walks of life. With numerous programs aired daily across national networks, determining which shows have overstayed their welcome is fascinating. A recent survey targeted 500 TV-loving women, aged 30 to 60, to find out which variety shows they believe should conclude, focusing on 16 prime-time programs from TV Asahi.

Viewer Survey: Top Five Variety Shows to End

Let’s delve into the results of this intriguing survey, highlighting why some programs have drawn criticism and what makes them worthy of a potential end.

5. “Question and Answer Variety Show Mr. Q!” (36 Votes)

This long-running quiz show, which started airing in October 2004, is hosted by the comedic group Summers, alongside Yuka and Kazumi Takayama. After nearly 20 years, some viewers feel it’s time for a change.

Viewer Feedback:

  • “The content and members of the quizzes haven’t changed much, so we’re stuck in a rut. I’m honestly getting bored.” (60s, part-time job, Tokyo)
  • “Before it went to Prime, it was a night-time entertainment gem, but now it feels repetitive.” (50s, part-time worker, Tokyo)

4. “Nani Colle Chin Hyakkei” (42 Votes)

Since 2008, this show has introduced viewers to unique landscapes across Japan. However, some feel it has lost its charm over the years.

Viewer Feedback:

  • “The creativity has diminished; it feels like they are out of ideas.” (40s, office worker, Akita Prefecture)
  • “It used to be entertaining, but now it’s just a compilation of mundane videos.” (50, part-time, Ibaraki Prefecture)

3. “Is 100,000 Yen Okay?” (45 Votes)

Initially airing as a late-night show in 2017 and transitioning to prime time in 2019, this program challenges Kis-My-Ft2 and others to achieve various tasks with a budget of 100,000 yen.

Viewer Feedback:

  • “If you’re not a fan, it doesn’t offer much enjoyment.” (50, part-time, Tokyo)
  • “Past cheating controversies have cast doubts; it’s surprising this show continues.” (40s, part-time worker, Akita Prefecture)

2. “Zejin! Friday” (46 Votes)

This talk show began in 2018 and features an outspoken panel, including Nagashima Kazunari. However, its format has drawn criticism.

Viewer Feedback:

  • “It frustrates me to see celebrities sharing superficial insights; their dialogue feels shallow.” (60s, housewife, Tokyo)
  • “The rudeness of some hosts is off-putting, making it hard to engage.” (50 years old, unemployed, Kanagawa Prefecture)

1. “Potsuun to Ikkenya” (55 Votes)

Since its regular airing in 2018, this show focuses on remote housing and the lifestyles of such homeowners. However, concerns have been raised about privacy and safety.

Viewer Feedback:

  • “It seems like a program that exposes homes to potential thieves.” (40s, unemployed, Tokushima Prefecture)
  • “Increased break-ins in rural areas have called the show’s responsibility into question.” (50s, housewife, Hokkaido)

Context and Ratings

Despite these criticisms, programs like “Sawatsu! Friday” have enjoyed high ratings, with an annual average viewership of 7.4%, making it the top regular variety show on the channel. Other shows such as “Nani Colle Chin Hyakkei” and “Potsun to Ikkenya” have also garnered strong audiences. This paradox highlights the diverse opinions among viewers.

Case Studies: Viewer Experiences and Reactions

Each show represents unique viewer experiences and sentiment. Here are some notable takeaways:

  • Survey participants expressed a desire for freshness and innovation in content, marking a trend where long-standing shows can feel stale.
  • Viewers showed considerable concern regarding privacy and the social implications of shows that delve into personal lives and homes.
  • Critical discussions often focus on host behaviors and perceived insensitivity, leading to decreased viewer enjoyment.

Benefits of Reevaluating TV Programming

As shows evolve or conclude based on viewer feedback, several benefits arise:

  • Enhanced Quality: Officials and producers have the opportunity to reassess and elevate the quality of productions.
  • Viewership Engagement: Addressing viewer concerns fosters a more engaged and loyal audience base.
  • Responsibility in Content: Encouraging responsible programming will instill confidence in broadcasting networks.

Final Thoughts

The ongoing dialogue around variety shows in Japan demonstrates the dynamic relationship between audiences and media producers. As preferences shift, addressing and understanding viewer sentiment is crucial for the future of television in Japan.

Source: Smart Flash



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