As Israel fights Hamas, it spreads the myth of its involvement in the 9/11 attacks

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Records of alleged Israeli involvement In the September 11th attacks poured in last weekend by Sulaiman Ahmed, who describes himself as an investigative journalist, BA in Law and MA, Ph.D. on account “X” (formerly on Twitter).

On the evening of November 17, he, after publishing a photo of another post from the “X” screen, rhetorically asked: “Is Israel planning another 9/11?”

Screenshot from “X”/Melagienai around September 11th, the flow started with this post

In this post which has been published now in a non-existent accountis just one sentence: “It seems to me that young Americans need another 9/11.” The phrase was originally written in Hebrew, but the screenshot also shows an English translation.

The post has already been viewed more than 760 thousand times. times. Even more attention – 1.4 million. views – received after half past five o’clock published record with the blunt statement: “Israel carried out 9/11”.

Later that day, the man on his account published a pollin which he repeated the same statement: “Did Israel commit September 11?” Out of almost 17.8 thousand even 67.3 percent of those who participated answered yes, the rest answered no.

In the evening he shared a screenshot of the second post and added a question addressed to E. Musk: “Why was this marked by the community?” Because someone added a link to the post to the U.S. 9/11 Commission Report to understand the context. Users of “X” are also informed about this.

“I thought X was designed to be a real alternative to the MSM (mainstream media – English mainstream media)”, the man expressed dissatisfaction and added that “there is significant evidence that Israel, al-Qaeda, Saudi Arabia, US intelligence (incompetence or complicity) were involved”.

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He is the same repeated a day later, he only added that “many countries and groups contributed to September 11”. It seems that this did not make a big impression on Internet users anymore – the posts were viewed by 137 thousand, respectively. and 31 thousand times.

But the man did not stop there. On Wednesday announced the same photo of the burning towers and the question “Why are we not allowed to raise questions about Israel’s involvement in the 9/11 attacks?”

Was on the most wanted list

X users themselves have added one or more links to these posts to documents, various websites and videos revealing how some of the biggest terror attacks in history were planned and who was behind them.

Reuters/Scanpix photo/Participants in the 9/11 attack

Reuters/Scanpix photo/Participants in the 9/11 attack

in 2001 September 11 The attacks, known simply as 9/11 for the date in English, were four coordinated Islamist suicide attacks on the United States. A total of almost 3,000 people died during them. people (2.6 thousand in the World Trade Center alone) and the long-term global war on terrorism began.

That morning, 19 terrorists hijacked four passenger planes that had taken off to fly from the northeastern states to California. The first two planes they crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center (PPC) in New York, two of the five tallest buildings in the world at the time.

The other two were directed to Washington. The suicide bombers who hijacked one of these planes managed to crash into the Pentagon, the headquarters of the Department of Defense in Arlington County. A fourth, believed to have targeted the Capitol or the White House and whose passengers turned on terrorists, crashed in rural Pennsylvania.

Reuters/Scanpix photo/September 11

Reuters/Scanpix photo/September 11

The attack was organized O.bin Ladenaswhich the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had included as early as 1999 in connection with recent attacks in East Africa List of 10 most wanted fugitives. in 1998 in August, during the bombings of the US embassies in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) and Nairobi (Kenya), which took place almost at the same time, 224 people were killed and 4.5 thousand were injured. people.

The bombings “made al Qaeda a powerful adversary for the United States,” the report said noted 9/11 Commission.

At the beginning of the millennium, al Qaeda continued to carry out attacks. Some failed (for example, the plan to blow up the Los Angeles airport on the eve of the 2000s), some ended in deaths (for example, the U.S. ship „USS Cole“which had stopped in Yemen to refuel, when an explosives-laden boat was targeted, killing 17 military personnel and injuring nearly 40 crew members).

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“The September 11th attacks were a shock, but they should not have been a surprise,” noted the commission that analyzed this tragedy. – Islamist extremists have given numerous warnings that they intend to kill Americans indiscriminately, and kill many of them (the report mentions not only the aforementioned bombings, but also the 1993 PPC truck explosion, the 1995 revelations by the Manila police about plans to blow up US planes over the Pacific Ocean, etc. – ed. post.).

Although O. bin Laden himself did not emerge as an ominous warning until the late 1990s, the threat of Islamist terrorism grew at that time.”

Until 1997 The US intelligence community did not consider O. bin Laden a terrorist leader, only a financier. in 1998 in February he and four other people from different countries issued a fatwain which he stated that it is God’s commandment for every Muslim to try his best to kill any American anywhere in the world because of the US “occupation” of Islamic holy sites and aggression against Muslims.

Reuters/Scanpix photo/Osama bin Laden (left) and Ayman al-Zawahiri

Reuters/Scanpix photo/Osama bin Laden (left) and Ayman al-Zawahiri

“September 11th was a day of shock and suffering unprecedented in US history. The nation was unprepared,” the commission stated after listing various previous attacks by Islamists and other signs that even worse attacks should be expected.

Started with Israel’s war with Lebanon?

In various in public statements Bin Laden praised the suicide bombers for the attacks. True, immediately after the attacks he denied his involvement: “I emphasize that I did not carry out this act, which seems to have been carried out by individuals with their own motives.”

But in November of the same year, US forces found a videotape in a destroyed house in Jalalabad (Afghanistan) that showed him as the leader of al-Qaeda mentioned aware of the attacks.

In a video posted in December, he was near confessionthat he was responsible for the attacks: “Terrorism against America deserves praise because it was a response to an injustice to force America to stop supporting Israel, which is killing our people. It is important to hit the economy, which is the basis of their (US) military power.”

Finally, just before 2004 During the US presidential election, O. bin Laden publicly admitted that “al Qaeda” exists related to attacksand its direct connection to the attacks.

VIDEO: Osama bin Laden on the 9/11 attacks

“The events that directly affected my soul began in 1982, when America allowed the Israelis to invade Lebanon, and America’s Sixth Fleet helped them. A bombardment ensued, killing and injuring many, while others were terrorized and displaced.

I could not forget those moving scenes, blood and severed limbs, women and children lying everywhere. Houses are destroyed along with the inhabitants, tall buildings are demolished above the inhabitants, rockets falling mercilessly on our houses…

When I looked at those ruined towers in Lebanon, it occurred to me that we should punish the oppressors in kind, and that we should tear down the towers in America, that they might taste a little of what we have tasted, and that they might be deterred from killing our women and children.”

O.bin Ladenas pointed out for his followers to attack the PPC and the Pentagon. in 2006 another video broadcast by Al Jazeera showed him preparing for the attacks with one of the main planners of the attacks, Ramzi bin al-Shibh, and two would-be hijackers.

Screenshot from

Screenshot from “X”/More than two decades after 9/11, the spread of lies about the masterminds of the attacks

in 2002 published in November “In a Letter to the American People” O. bin Laden outlined the motives for the attacks: US support for Israel and the presence of troops in Saudi Arabia, sanctions against Iraq, environmental destruction, US-led coalition attacks against Muslims in Somalia, etc.

The commission investigating the attacks interviewed more than 1.2 thousand people. people from 10 countries, viewed more than 2.5 million pages of documents, including some classified and closely guarded, airport security records, intercepted cockpit voice recordings.

The evidence gathered confirmed that the attacks were carried out by 19 al-Qaeda members led by its founder O. bin Laden. The conclusions of the Commission are written and consist of 585 pages.

15min verdict: lie. September 11 The commission investigating the attacks, after interviewing many people, reviewing millions of documents and videos from airports, and listening to cockpit voice recordings, announced the conclusion that the attacks were carried out by 19 al-Qaeda members led by its founder O. bin Laden.

The publication was prepared in 15 minutes in partnership with Metait aims to stop the spread of misleading news on the social network. More about the program and its rules – here.

#Israel #fights #Hamas #spreads #myth #involvement #attacks
2024-09-03 17:52:56



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