As digital technology boosts tourism… it reveals inequality between big groups and SMEs

2024-07-18 13:19:38

The advent of digital technology has profoundly changed the travel industry. To illustrate this, in 2023, Over 80% of travel bookings Made by French tourists online. Tourist attraction has increased following the Covid 19 pandemic Strong recoverywith special thanks for the facilitation and digital organization of travel.

The health crisis has acted as a catalyst. It has accelerated digital transformation and made online tools even more important for planning and managing travel. In the tourism industry, digitalization has reshaped the way travelers interact with services. At the same time, the development of digital technologies has changed the way companies adapt their products to meet the growing expectations of customers.

Personalized Experience

Travelers’ behavior Rapid evolution With the rise of digital technology, online booking has become the norm, with platforms replacing traditional travel agencies. Booking, Airbnb, Expedia, etc. provide unprecedented convenience and ease, allowing travelers to compare prices, read reviews, and book services in just a few clicks.

Furthermore, the use of algorithms and big data enables companies to provide personalized recommendations based on the individual preferences of travelers.

Furthermore, mobile apps play a vital role in travel. They provide directions, real-time translations and offer local information. Apps such as TripAdvisor and Google Maps have become indispensable companions for modern travelers. We no longer realize it, but regarding ten years ago, all these possibilities were still in their infancy. For example, Airbnb was founded in 2008! This shows how quickly these transformations are happening.

In addition to these established advances, The future of digitalization The tourism industry remains promising, with emerging technologies expected to revolutionize the sector further. Thus, AI can improve the tourist experience through the use of virtual assistants and instant translation services. For its part, augmented reality should help enrich tourists’ visits by providing contextual and immersive information.

The emergence of smart tourism

“Wisdom Tourism” “Smart tourism” is emerging as an innovative way to integrate information technology to improve tourist experience, destination management and sustainability.

At the same time, smart cities integrate advanced digital infrastructure to provide visitors with real-time information and optimize visitor flows. For example, sensors and location data can be used to manage crowds at tourist attractions, while mobile applications provide personalized services and instant recommendations. These technological advances also provide opportunities to promote safer and more sustainable tourism. BlockchainIt is used in booking and payment due to its ability to ensure secure transactions and make them more transparent, thereby enhancing consumer confidence.

Necessary transformation of tourism enterprises

Tourism companies must quickly adapt to this new digital era and embark on the path of digitalization. Large companies, with their abundant resources, quickly adopt cutting-edge technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, and immersive technology, and develop structured digital transformation strategies.

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This is the case with external linksMarriottcreated a virtual reality experience that lets guests visit its hotels around the world. Similarly, the Louvre Museum developed an augmented reality app that overlays information and images onto the artworks on display.

On the other hand, SMEs are more gradual in adopting digital technologies due to stronger budget constraints and limited human resources. This difference in technological maturity is disruptive as it widens the competitive gap between large companies and SMEs, which has an impact on the local economy. This situation might slow down the growth of the tourism industry as SMEs are often able to compensate for technological delays through innovative practices and more disruptive approaches.

Due to their small size and flexibility, SMEs are able to Adapt and experiment quickly.

This agility fosters a culture of creativity, which is essential to meeting emerging needs and stimulating the economy. As a result, Bblablacar revolutionized ride-sharing in Europe. TransferWise (now Wise) innovated international money transfers with low fees. Oculus VR transformed virtual reality with affordable headsets before being acquired by Facebook.

Faced with this observation, DIBEST Project (Digital Innovation for Blue Enterprises and Social Tourism) This has proven to be an interesting initiative to bridge the digital divide. Funded by Interreg Atlantic Area and coordinated by the Western Development Board, the project brings together various stakeholders from the economy and academia of Ireland, Portugal, Spain and France. Its main objective is to support the adoption of digital innovations by tourism microenterprises in the Atlantic region. By strengthening the capacities of tourism SMEs, developing tailored support and promoting the adoption of new technologies, the DIBEST project aims to improve their competitiveness, market access and environmental sustainability.

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