As a political prisoner! Javier Tarazona has been deprived of his freedom for 1,144 days

A total of 1,144 days detained as a political prisoner, are what already adds up to the Director of the NGO Fundaredes, Javier Tarazona, an “arbitrary detention and unlawful deprivation of liberty,” as described by his brother José Rafael Tarazona.

«My brother Javier Tarazona director of Fundaredes He is still in detention, we demand that he be released immediately.. Being a human rights defender is not a crime. #LiberenaJavierTarazona“, he posted this Monday on his X Rafael account.

Similarly, the NGO Promehedum also remembered the leader of Fundaredes with a message that it published on its social networks.August 19th. Let’s not forget Javier Tarazona from Fundaredes who has been unjustly suspended for 1,144 days arrested and his health is constantly deteriorating“, held.

With Javier, they send a message to all human rights defenders, but in the same way, we do not stop. #FreeJavierTarazona“, they published in X.

It should be remembered that Tarazona, who is being held in El Helicoide, was arrested on July 2, 2021 after being accused of terrorism, inciting hatred and treason.

Clara Ramírez, who is currently the director in charge of Fundaredes, maintains that he has been the victim of a “flawed” process, where “without any evidence he is accused«.

Last January, Javier Tarazona reported to a court that he had been subjected to torture, as reported by the president of the NGO Foro Penal, Alfredo Romero.

“We are not saying that there was or was not torture, but the victim says that she was tortured and obviously an investigation is required,” Romero said at a press conference.

“They hit me, kicked me. We couldn’t see the sun. We didn’t have drinking water.. They made us urinate and defecate in the containers where we ate.“Tarazona told the courts. He also said that he remains in custody because “they want to silence him.”

According to the publication of As is, The situation in Tarazona is complicated, given that He suffers from 10 illnesses and takes at least 19 different medications, This has been denounced by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the International Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela, the World Organization against Torture and other international organizations, which have requested his immediate and full release.

#political #prisoner #Javier #Tarazona #deprived #freedom #days
2024-08-20 16:08:55



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