Aryzta intends to reconcile growth and profitability in the second half of the year

Zurich (awp) – Industrial baker Aryzta has improved its margins and set the stage for optimizing financing costs in the first half of the year. However, the Zurich-based firm experienced stagnating volumes and a slight decline in revenues, yet it remains committed to its growth target for the entire year. Revenues decreased by 0.5% to just under 1.06 billion euros (996 million Swiss francs). Organic growth experienced a sharp decline of 0.7%, following a substantial 22% increase the previous year, according to a report released on Monday. This contraction is mainly attributed to a voluntary withdrawal from contracts in the UK, which were deemed insufficiently profitable.

“Aryzta continued its portfolio cleanup in the first half of the year,” summarized departing President and CEO Urs Jordi during a teleconference. These adjustments resulted in a loss of 2.5 points in organic growth. Nonetheless, investments in pulp production in Switzerland, Germany, and Malaysia are expected to contribute to a return to more profitable growth.

Clear Margin Expansion
The gross operating margin (EBITDA), on the other hand, increased by one percentage point to 14.2%, leading to a 7% rise in related results to 149.8 million. Aside from the gross operating margin, which aligns with average projections, the overall performance struggled to meet the expectations of analysts consulted by the AWP agency, particularly regarding organic growth and revenue.

Management also highlighted the successful renegotiation of its credit lines, increasing their total volume to 930 million euros and extending their maturity to 2029. This maneuver is expected to ease the repayment of a costly hybrid loan due at the earliest opportunity in October.

The roadmap for the full year still anticipates organic growth of up to 5%. Efforts to optimize costs are also expected to yield positive results in the second half of the year. The 10 million euros saved in the first six months have already enabled a reduction of the cost base by 28 million, fulfilling a new medium-term goal.

Roadmap to be Renewed
The remaining challenge is to achieve the EBITDA margin target of 14.5%. The final steps toward this milestone will be supported by the anticipated annual savings of 11.5 million that Aryzta expects to secure from October on its financing costs after repaying the hybrid loan at 6.045%, as indicated by treasurer Martin Huber. The company plans to establish a new three-year strategy by the first half of next year.

While analysts expressed disappointment over growth figures falling short of expectations, they preferred to focus on the improvement in margins and financing costs, emphasizing the affordability of investing in Aryzta. However, capital holders reacted negatively. At 10:50, Aryzta shares dropped 3.8% to 1.60 francs, contrasting with the SPI index, which rose slightly by 0.16%.

Aryzta: Navigating Challenges and Optimizing Growth in 2023

Company Overview and Financial Performance

Zurich-based Aryzta, a leading industrial baker, is experiencing a transformative period as it optimizes its margins while addressing notable challenges in volume and revenue over the first half of the fiscal year. The company reported revenues slightly under 1.06 billion euros (996 million Swiss francs), marking a 0.5% decline compared to the previous year.

Revenue Dynamics

Despite a downturn in revenue, Aryzta remains committed to achieving its growth targets. This moderate decline in organic growth, which fell sharply by 0.7% after a remarkable 22% increase last year, is largely linked to the company’s strategic decision to voluntarily renounce contracts in the UK deemed insufficiently profitable. The withdrawal from these contracts significantly impacted the organic growth rate, reportedly costing 2.5 points of potential growth.

Margin Expansion and Cost Optimization

The financial report revealed a promising improvement in margins. The gross operating margin (EBITDA) increased by one percentage point, reaching a notable 14.2%. The related EBITDA result also saw a rise of 7%, totaling 149.8 million euros, thereby indicating effective cost management and operational efficiency.

Cost Optimization Initiatives

Aryzta’s management has undertaken significant steps to optimize financing costs, which are crucial for sustainable growth. The firm successfully renegotiated its credit lines, raising the total available credit to 930 million euros with an extended maturity to 2029. This strategic maneuver is set to alleviate the financial burden imposed by a hybrid loan, thereby optimizing financing costs by 11.5 million euros annually following its repayment in October.

Future Growth and Strategic Investments

Aryzta continues to lay down a solid roadmap for the coming months, projecting organic growth up to 5% for the entire year. The company is confident that its investments in pulp production across Switzerland, Germany, and Malaysia will contribute positively to long-term profitability and market presence.

Expected Outcomes from Strategic Investments

  • Enhanced product offerings in existing markets.
  • Streamlined production processes boosting operational efficiency.
  • A robust foundation for potential market expansions beyond European borders.

Challenges and Market Reaction

While the increased margins and strategic financing appear promising, market analysts express concerns over the firm’s stagnated growth in volume. This has unfortunately impacted the perception of Aryzta among investors. On the trading floor, the registered Aryzta share saw a decline of 3.8%, with shares trading at 1.60 francs, contrasting with a slight rise in the SPI index.

Analyst Perspectives

Analysts have remained cautiously optimistic regarding Aryzta’s stance in the market. Despite having lower-than-expected growth figures, they emphasize the company’s improvements in margins and financing costs, illustrating a potential for recovery and profitability in the near future.

Roadmap for Sustained Growth

The company aims to enhance its EBITDA margin further, striving for a target of 14.5%. This goal is seen as feasible given the recent cost savings achieved. Additionally, Aryzta is planning to outline a new three-year strategic plan by mid-2024, a move seen as essential for re-establishing favorable growth trajectories.

Key Milestones and Objectives

Milestones Target Outcomes Projected Timeline
Achieve EBITDA Margin of 14.5% Increased profitability End of FY 2023
Repayment of Hybrid Loan Reduction in financing costs October 2023
Launch of New Strategic Plan Focused market expansion and product development Mid-2024

Benefits of Aryzta’s Strategic Moves

Aryzta’s recent initiatives are geared towards long-term sustainability and improved operational efficiency. Here are some benefits stemming from Aryzta’s strategic direction:

  • Increased Financial Flexibility: By optimizing its financial structure, Aryzta can allocate resources more efficiently.
  • Strengthened Market Position: Investment in manufacturing capabilities can enhance competitive positioning in key markets.
  • Sustainable Growth Prospects: A well-defined roadmap ensures a focus on achievable growth while managing risks effectively.

Conclusion on Aryzta’s Journey

As Aryzta embarks on this transformative journey, its strategic focus on margin improvement, cost optimization, and targeted growth will be crucial in addressing current challenges while positioning itself for a favorable outcome in the market. The commitment to achieving its growth targets, despite the hurdles, points to a resilient attitude toward future developments in the industrial baking sector.



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