Arturo Rueda, director of Diario Cambio, is re-arrested for extortion

MEXICO CITY (apro).- The director of Diario Cambio accused of extortion, Arturo Rueda, was re-arrested on Thursday night upon leaving the hearing to which he was summoned in the court of Cholula, Puebla, where the case against him is filed.

In a video published by the newspaper run by Rueda and owned in partnership with Ignacio Mier Velazco, leader of Morena in the Chamber of Deputies, the moment in which the journalist is arrested can be seen. The hearing he attended was requested by the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) to make the change of precautionary measures and upon leaving he was arrested by ministerial agents.

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Rueda was detained by three ministerial elements when he was leaving the hearing at around 7:50 p.m. He was accompanied by his family and colleagues from the newspaper, who claimed that the arrest was carried out in violation of a federal injunction.

He had been released from the Tepexi de Rodríguez prison on July 18 of last year after the Second Collegiate Court in Criminal Matters of the Sixth Circuit determined the nonexistence of the precautionary measure of preventive detention that had been issued against him.

Rueda was imprisoned on May 21, 2022, following a complaint filed against him by PRI deputy Jorge Estefan Chidiac, who accused him of extortion for having asked him for 10 million pesos in exchange for not publishing an audio that harmed him politically.

On June 21, a criminal judge found Arturo Rueda guilty of extortion and he received a sentence of two years and three months in prison.

This process was accompanied by another complaint for money laundering and another for moral damages filed by Roberto Zatarain, the sentimental partner of the former mayor of Puebla for Morena, Claudia Rivera Vivanco.

However, he obtained a series of injunctions that allowed him to leave prison on condition that he sign in periodically and not leave the state.



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