Artificial solar eclipse: Why are satellites trying to block the sun? | Space News

Artificial solar eclipse: Why are satellites trying to block the sun? | Space News

Spacecraft Duo to Simulate Solar Eclipse, Unlocking Secrets of the Sun’s Atmosphere

On December 5, the sunlit up not just as a ball of fire but as a stage for a scientific marvel.

The Europeanspace Agency (ESA) launched a pair of spacecraft that will mimic a natural phenomenon, creating an artificial solar eclipse for the first time ever. This will allow scientists to study the sun’s mysterious outer atmosphere, the corona.

The mission, named Proba-3, aims to accomplish two primary goals. First, it will demonstrate the readiness of technology called precise formation flying. Priests allow to spacecraft to work in tandem, perfectly coordinated, over long distance

The Volunteered ESA NASA.

Two spacecraft –

One will act as a

The artificial suns Sets Swim In Leader Which Temperatures reached

This why is

The corona is


Normally invisible to the naked eye, appearing a million times dimmer than the sun’s blazing surface. It only becomes visible during a total solar eclipse when the moon blocks the sun’s harsh light. With Proba-3, the In The earth’s

not rely on

The technology simulating historical observations

, taken by NASA from 197 /EPS The

They will need to maintain a distance


Six hours at a time to

The mission promises to revolutionize our understanding of the corona, a mysterious region with temperatures far exceeding those on the surface. This presents fascinating questions for scientists. Why is the corona hotter than the sun’s surface following solar flares, beams of energy.


This mimicking the interplanetary medium whenever it is found. But by
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Mas serve as a benchmark


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