Artificial or natural sweetener? See best option

The abusive use of sugar is one of the main factors associated with the obesity epidemic in Brazil. However, replacing sugar with artificial sweeteners is not enough to protect your own health. The effect, in fact, may be the opposite of what was expected: the chemicals used to sweeten can be associated with the development of serious diseases.

“Artificial sweeteners can cause irritation in the stomach, diarrhea and even kidney problems in the long term”, says nutrologist and geriatrician Mariana Carvalho, who works in São Paulo. On a study published by Fiocruz last yearinvestigations were reviewed that associated the excessive use of artificial sweeteners with an increase in several diseases, including hypertension, type 2 diabetes and gastritis.

Risks for mothers

In severe cases, points out the Fiocruz review, the use of chemical sweeteners may even be associated with the development of depression and gestational problems, in addition to influencing childhood obesity.

In the case of pregnant women, the report points to an 18% greater risk of premature births and overweight newborns, with children weighing an average of 23 grams more at birth when mothers consumed artificial sweeteners.

Exaggeration of who takes

According to the nutrologist, health problems are frequent because many people do not observe the recommended amount of sweetener before using it. “The excessive use of these chemical products can lead to an imbalance in the intestinal flora and changes in metabolism”, explains Mariana.

Among the most common artificial sweeteners in Brazil are aspartame, sucralose, maltodextrose, saccharin and cyclamate. Each of them has its own recommendations for use, which must be observed on the packaging, but in the case of liquid sweeteners, the recommended maximum is usually only four drops for every 200 ml of drink.

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natural substitutes

The nutrologist recommends the use of products that naturally sweeten, such as coconut sugar, honey, brown sugar and maple syrup. But in this case too, quantity must be observed.

“The main advantage of natural sweeteners is that they are less processed and therefore contain fewer chemical additives. Another advantage is that they are rich in vitamins and minerals, which brings other health benefits”, explains Mariana Carvalho.

Natural sweeteners, however, should be consumed in moderation, as they are high in calories and can lead to weight gain. “Excess sugar, even natural sugar, can lead to weight gain and insulin resistance. It’s important to use them in moderation and always seek the advice of a healthcare professional before making any significant dietary changes.”

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