Artificial intelligence software predicts what the Yaqui Valley will look like in 100 years

The use of more sophisticated drones will be a key part of making the countryside more productive and sustainable.

By: Cesar Omar Leyva

The Yaqui Valley, one of Mexico’s most productive agricultural regions, is about to undergo a radical transformation in the next 100 years. Driven by technological innovation, growing food demand and the challenges of climate change, the agriculture in this region will be completely reimagined.

We consult with Gemini, a multimodal large language model (artificial intelligence) developed by Google and this was what he predicted regarding the future of what was once known as the “breadbasket of Mexico”


The agriculture precision, which is already implemented, will be the backbone of production in the Yaqui Valley. Advanced sensors, drones and artificial intelligence will allow farmers to monitor the conditions of each plant in real time, optimizing the use of water, fertilizers and pesticides. This technology will allow:

  • Custom Crops: Each plant will receive the exact amount of nutrients and water it needs, maximizing yield and minimizing waste.
  • Early detection of pests and diseases: Drones equipped with infrared cameras and multispectral sensors will quickly identify any threats to crops, allowing for a rapid and effective response.
  • Smart irrigation: Automated irrigation systems, controlled by sensors and algorithms, will ensure that plants receive the necessary water at the right time, reducing water consumption and preventing soil erosion.


According to Artificial Intelligence, climate change will force farmers to adapt to new conditions. It is expected that plant varieties that are more resistant to drought, extreme heat and pests will be cultivated. Some crops that could stand out in the future include:

  • Transgenic crops: With improved characteristics such as pest resistance, salinity tolerance and higher yield.
  • Perennial crops: Such as fruit trees and berry bushes, which require less water and fertilizer and contribute to soil health.
  • Legumes: They fix nitrogen in the soil, improving its fertility and reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers.


Food storage systems will also evolve. Technologies such as:

  • Controlled atmosphere storage: To preserve the freshness and quality of products for longer.
  • Smart packaging: With sensors that monitor the conditions inside the packaging and alert about any deterioration.
  • On-site processing: To transform agricultural products into ready-to-eat foods, reducing post-harvest losses and increasing added value.


They will nourish the earth

Fertilization will be more sustainable and efficient. The following will be used:

  • Biofertilizers: Made from microorganisms that promote plant growth and improve soil health.
  • Organic fertilizers: Such as compost and manure, which enrich the soil with nutrients and organic matter.
  • Nutrient recovery systems: To recycle the nutrients contained in agricultural and urban waste.

The combination of advanced technologies, sustainable agricultural practices and increased awareness of the importance of healthy eating will lead to a more efficient, resilient and equitable food system. Farmers in the Yaqui Valley will play a vital role in feeding a growing global population.



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