Artificial Intelligence, Policies, and Controversial Privileges: Exploring the Latest Social Topics

2023-10-03 18:10:00

For this Tuesday, October 3, the team of presenter Julien Bal was made up of Alain Kupchik, Catherine Ernens and Jean-Marc Gheraille, antenna director of LN24. They welcomed Julie Foulon, community leader and founder of “GIRLEEK”. On the menu: two social subjects that have been talked regarding a lot in recent days, namely artificial intelligence and policies that blow their tickets

For the first, Jean-Marc Ghréaille explains “that he does not see only negative things in these new technologies”. According to him, artificial intelligence “can also represent hope”. He cites for example “the possibility of finding a deceased loved one in a virtual, but very intense, way”.

For her part, Catherine Ernens believes that we must “be wary” and that this might be dangerous for our societies because “people are more likely to quickly believe what is false than what is true”. This convinces the LN24 channel director who believes that we must above all “trust human intelligence and critical thinking”.

Ixelles has canceled the parking fee for its ex-alderman Bea Diallo: a “free pass” granted “in secret”?

The second subject is much more controversial. We learned from our colleagues at La Libre that Bea Diallo (former socialist alderman of Ixelles) had benefited from certain advantages, such as not being required to pay parking fees in the municipality. This information comes from an email sent by the Ixelles administration to parking.brusselswhich the ASBL Transparencia Belgium provided to La Libre.

To discuss this information, Claude Archer, co-founder of Transparencia, was present on the set. He explained in particular that certain people were exempt from paying for parking. “This is particularly the case for emergency nurses or doctors. But the politicians stepped into the breach!” He then listed the honest municipalities where employees are not entitled to privileges. For Catherine Ernens, these facts “reduce the population’s confidence in the political class”. Claude Archer especially wonders why the municipality of Ixelles does not demand “reimbursement of fraudulent employees”.

Discover the entire show from this Monday, October 2 in the video at the top of the article.

#talk #Politicians #rushed #white #list #avoid #paying #fines



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