Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Precision Medicine: The Future of Healthcare

2023-09-13 10:12:03

The foundation Roche Institute has published a new ‘Anticipating Report’, prepared by the Observatory of Trends in Future Medicine, which reviews some examples of the application of Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Precision Medicine in different stages of the care process: prevention and risk prediction, early detection and diagnosis of diseases, disease monitoring and the establishment of treatment and a comprehensive approach.

In addition, the Report also addresses its potential for biomedical research, as well as its application in drug research and development and in the training of health professionals and researchers.

The managing director of the Roche Institute Foundation, Consuelo Martín de Dios, assures that AI tools “will have a significant impact on medical care practice, contributing to the configuration of more precise and personalized medicine that will result in an important benefit for patients and achieving, at the same time, a more efficient and sustainable health system.”

For his part, the coordinator of the Anticipando Report and professor of Artificial Intelligence at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), Víctor Maojo, despite the growing weight of this discipline, it will be the professionals “who will continue to have the last word in decision-making.” decisions.”

In the field of predictive and preventive health, it can be used to anticipate certain emergency or crisis situations, as well as to develop more accurate disease risk prediction models. This will allow, “on the one hand, to propose actions that contribute to reducing the burden of diseases in health systems and, on the other, the identification of individuals most likely to benefit from strategies for addressing or preventing diseases in populations,” indicates the specialist.

The potential of Artificial Intelligence to combine and integrate data from different sources and its application to different diagnostic techniques will also improve the early detection of diseases and offer more precise diagnoses. For Maojo, “its development in the field of radiology is especially noteworthy, with the development of radiomics, and pathological anatomy, with advances in digital pathology,” allowing for reduction of variability in image interpretations and increasing precision. and speed in diagnosis.

On the other hand, the possibilities offered by Artificial Intelligence to analyze and integrate heterogeneous data from different sources can contribute to a better understanding of how different factors affect treatment results and, therefore, to the development of tools that help health professionals in the selection of the best treatment and dosage for each patient.

Artificial Intelligence systems will not only transform clinical practice, but also the way in which new medications are researched and developed, optimizing and reducing times in pharmacological research, accelerating

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processes of identification and discovery of new molecules, the identification of new therapeutic targets and the design of new treatments. As the expert states, “today it is possible to determine the 3D structure of hundreds of thousands of proteins in a short time when before it took months to study a single protein.”

The challenge of integrating AI

Despite the great advances made and the potential that Artificial Intelligence reveals in the field of Personalized Precision Medicine, especially with the development of machine learning and deep learning, there are still many challenges in achieving the implementation of these systems. in the healthcare environment. For Maojo, medicine is, by far, the most difficult scientific area for the application of Artificial Intelligence.

“Uncertainty and variability in clinical practice mean that systems that are built with the knowledge and data of one hospital are not applicable with equal success in a different hospital. Therefore, complex, long and expensive evaluations are necessary that are not always carried out today,” he explains.

In order to advance in the incorporation of these new tools in the medicine of the future and their integration into the health system, the professor of Artificial Intelligence highlights that the hospital budget for research and innovation, in personnel, projects and infrastructure, must be increased as much as possible. which will lead to a gradual improvement of clinical practice and the competitiveness of the national industry in this field.

Likewise, the technological transformation of the health system necessary for the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence is unstoppable and must take into account not only complex clinical issues, but also certain ethical and legal aspects and, therefore, specific regulation for its use must be established. of Artificial Intelligence in the field of health.

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