Artificial Intelligence can be an ally of the call center

2023-05-30 20:19:16

The arrival of ChatGPT on the market raised questions regarding Artificial Intelligence and the revolutionary potential of the technology. Today, the system is already used in call centers in the format of virtual assistance.

A survey carried out at the end of 2021, TIC Empresa, carried out by the Regional Center for Studies for the Development of the Information Society (Cetic.Br), pointed out that 22% of small companies and 37% of large ones have already implemented AI in their processes. Not shocking considering how much it can boost business.

Using Artificial Intelligence in call centers helps to reduce costs and significantly increases the efficiency of calls. The use of technology added to the innovation of AI in the business makes it possible to meet customer expectations, as it is thus possible to answer a greater number of calls, guaranteeing the efficiency of the service provided.

Use of bots

The use of “bots” in the initial part of the assistance allows the customer to be able to solve specific and simpler doubts more quickly, and ensures that the human agent is activated for more complex questions. That is, the quality of human service also increases by reducing the amount of conversations between the human agent and the customer.

The key to chatbot solutions is the application of machine learning technologies, robots that understand the customer’s intention and provide an optimal conversation experience throughout the process, within reach of all user profiles. Brazil is one of the countries that most use conversational robots in the world.

Using AI to improve the customer experience can set you apart from other companies. Thanks to the automation of processes, it is possible to obtain better control and linkage with business data, in addition to streamlining and simplifying workflows through technology. Deploying a bot in customer service allows you to offer a personalized, efficient service available 24 hours a day.

Data analysis

Another essential point of using AI in customer service virtually is the possibility of analyzing data that is voluntarily made available by the customer. Thus, it is possible to determine the characteristics and needs of the service, when getting in touch with customers who are more demanding every day, when delivering information so that agents can provide a higher quality service.

Unlike a fearful futuristic idea of ​​robots dominating humans, there is the idea that they will provide more quality and efficiency in customer service, collaborating to create more satisfied customers, mainly because it is no longer necessary to waste so much time to find a solution to the problem, which can be resolved at the speed of a “bot” service.

*Content produced by Octavio Fernandes, CEO Ignore Brazil.


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