Art, Cibo and Lu Jong |

As part of the exhibition “Olga Fröbe-Kapteyn: artist-researcher”, the Casa Rusca Museum offers two experiences that intertwine art, food and the practice of Lu Jong (an ancient Tibetan discipline that cultivates the ability to self-heal, freeing physical and mental blocks and harmonizing the flow of internal energy). Sunday 25 August from 10am brunch with Lu Jong-Tibetan yoga and meditation with Tibetan bells (cost 49 francs per person, registration required by Friday 23 August at; Saturday 7 September instead breakfast with Lu Jong-Tibetan yoga and meditation with Tibetan bells (cost 29 francs per person, registration is required by Wednesday 5 September to the same email address). Both appointments will be led by Federica Dubbini of Centro Armonia.



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