Art and Casino – The Lucca Gazette

Art in art or meta-art, the dialogue between casinos and art seems light years away, yet it is more intimate than one might think. They are two worlds that are apparently different but deeply connected, whose bond gives space to many considerations on their development.

The Art of Casinos

If it is possible to find casinos in art, it is also possible to find the opposite: find art in casinos. Many of the most important casinos represent real cultural centers and often host some of the most prestigious art collections in the world. It is no coincidence that Las Vegas is one of the most popular destinations for lovers of gambling and contemporary art. It is not difficult to be able to observe works by world-famous artists in these large structures, offering users the opportunity to live an experience within an experience. Right in Las Vegas, at the Bellagio, there is an art gallery that hosts Picasso, Van Gogh and other artists. Nowadays almost all casinos have undergone this sort of artistic conversion and, although new technological challenges are emerging, this bond does not seem to be breaking down. The success of online gaming may not limit this beautiful collaboration but rather encourage it. Implementing the presence of artistic elements even in casino live It is a feasible possibility thanks to the creation of aesthetically well-studied themes and graphics, creating an extremely elegant gaming atmosphere.

Art as the Art of Gambling: A Masterly Example

The fascination of gambling has represented a source of inspiration for many artists over the centuries and it is no coincidence that there have been so many writers and painters who have wanted to pay homage to the world of gambling with works of various kinds. Among the masterpieces of the past, a painting by a genius of Italian art stands out forcefully: Caravaggio. In “The Cardsharps”, a painting from 1594, Caravaggio proposes a scam to the detriment of a young nobleman while he is playing cards against a peer of his who, painted in the foreground, is cunningly hiding some cards. The characters are painted standing around a table in the most sublime baroque realism that painting has ever achieved, emphasized by the dramatic use of light and shadow that distinguishes the Caravaggio style. The scene masterfully captures, as only Caravaggio can do, the essence of gambling to the point that human emotions, in their entirety, explode in the looks and gestures.

The Allure of Casinos in Art

Other artists have also been fascinated by the game and have reproduced it on canvas, creating works of everlasting charm. The painter of the famous “The Scream”, Munchdedicated a painting to the Monte Carlo casino in 1982. After a year-long stay in the south of France, and being a regular visitor to the Monte Carlo casino, he created “At the roulette table in Monte Carlo”. The diagonal composition of the work only increases the tension suggested by the crowd of players and spectators at the green table, whose facial features are only expressively sketched. “At the roulette table in Monte Carlo” you can perceive the adrenaline of the players but also their concentration. This illustrious example can also be used to explore themes such as morality and luck, as well as testifying to how gambling was perceived and how fascinating it was in various eras.


Art and casinos are two worlds that apparently never seem to touch, but their bond is so strong that it has created a fascinating phenomenon that has run through the history of art up to the present day. Caravaggio and Munch are just some of those masters of art who have dedicated works to gambling, giving the world unique masterpieces. Today, technology requires that everything be online and therefore we are equipping ourselves so that this deep bond can last over time, so that art and gambling can maintain this beautiful partnership.



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