ARS de Corse: To protect yourself and avoid hospitalization, the 2nd booster dose is recommended from the age of 60.

Faced with the persistence of the Covid-19 epidemic, with an incidence rate and a number of people hospitalized which are still very high, the ARS of Corsica recalls the need to protect the most fragile and the oldest and insists on the importance for them to carry out the 2e booster dose.

the 2e booster dose, for whom and when?

– from 80 years old: to be done 3 months following the 1stis rappel.
– from 60 to 79 years old: to be done 6 months following the 1is rappel.

Case of people who have been infected with Covid-19 following their first recall:

  • If the infection occurred more than 3 months following the first booster, a second reminder is not necessary. Indeed, the occurrence of an infectious episode provokes an immune response at least equivalent to that of a booster vaccine;
  • If the infection occurred less than 3 months following the first booster, a second reminder is necessary. It is then advisable to wait at least 3 months following infection, for people aged 80 and over, residents of nursing homes and USLDs or 6 months following infection for people aged 60 to 79 before carry out the second vaccination booster.

Why a new booster dose in this population?

The protection provided by the vaccine decreases more rapidly over time in people who have a weaker immune system. The injection of this second booster dose should make it possible to strengthen their protection once morest serious forms of the disease and death, in the current context of high circulation of the virus.

Indeed, for the immune system, a booster is not a simple repetition but makes it possible to acquire greater and broader protection. This is why the booster dose is said to “boost” immunity and produce enough antibodies to fight the virus.

Vaccination is possible in a vaccination center (list of centers open on and with many health professionals: pharmacists, doctors (general practitioners or specialists), occupational physicians, nurses, midwives, dental surgeons. Find the whole offer on

More info: booster shots may be required when entering certain countries. Think regarding it before traveling because a period of 7 days is necessary before the new vaccination certificate becomes valid.



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