Arrests in Táchira: Mother and Man Accused of Rape Captured in Record Time

2024-01-20 09:14:10

Events.- The mother of an 11-year-old minor and a man accused of rape were arrested by officials of the Coloncito Police Coordination Center in conjunction with the Council for the Protection of Girls, Boys and Adolescents (CPNNA) of the Panamericano municipality, state Táchira.

According to the police version, the woman was arrested for omitting the act of rape once morest her 11-year-old daughter. In addition, they captured the man who committed the sexual assault on the minor.

Chief Commissioner Wilman Rivera Torres reported that thanks to the quick call from the CPNNA and the prompt complaint from an acquaintance of the victim, both the aggressor and the girl’s mother were captured in record time. Both committed very serious crimes once morest the girl, who has already received medical and psychological evaluations to fully determine the scope of the crimes.

It has been confirmed that the abuses had been occurring since December and that the victim’s mother had demanded 2 million Colombian pesos not to report, receiving only 1 million so far. Thanks to other nearby people noticing the crime, they decided to go to the authorities and report it.

The detainees were taken to the Coloncito police headquarters, where they were identified as R. Hernández, 31 years old, of Venezuelan nationality, and the victim’s mother, D. Madrid, 38 years old, also Venezuelan.

The detainees were placed at the disposal of the Public Ministry.

Events/ Cactus 24.

#Táchira #Mother #raped #girl #charged #aggressor #million #pesos #report



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