Arrested for mistreating their eight-year-old daughter with a taser and then submerging her in water

A neighbor decided to make the complaint following hearing the repeated abuses committed with the minor.

A couple was arrested for torturing their eight-year-old daughter with an electric shock weapon and then submerging her in a bucket of water.

As N. López Triviño (29) and EA Hernández Guerrero (31) were identified those apprehended by officials of the Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations Corps (Cicpc), attached to the Barinas delegation.

A neighbor, who repeatedly heard the mistreatment to which the minor was subjected, decided to go to the police and make the complaint, delimiting that it was the mother and stepfather.

After carrying out the investigation and arresting those mentioned, the scientific police discovered that

She was mistreated with a taser (electric shock weapon), causing injuries to different parts of her body. At the end, her stepfather would submerge her in a bucket of water.

As evidence, an electrical power generator object and a bucket made of white synthetic material with a capacity of 20 liters were seized.

The case was left to the order of the Public Ministry.

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