Arrest in the Innviertel after a bloody deed in Bavaria


A man was shot dead in Burghausen, Bavaria, on Thursday evening. According to the Bavarian police, a suspect was arrested overnight in Upper Austria, more precisely in Überackern (Braunau district).

The victim is a 32-year-old man. He was shot dead in an altercation in front of an amusement arcade in an industrial park. A few people standing nearby were able to get to safety. The shooter fled in a BMW. He is now behind bars.

Press photo Scharinger

The 32-year-old man was shot dead in an industrial area in Burghausen

Roadblocks and warnings to the population

The police pulled out all the stops to find the shooter. Roads were closed, vehicles stopped and people inside were checked. Warnings were also sent out via social networks to the population in Bavaria and Upper Austria that no hitchhikers should be picked up.

She was also asked to report any suspicious perceptions. The Bavarians turned on the police in Upper Austria, and at 1.30 a.m. the Upper Austrian police officers managed what was probably the decisive access.

Suspect: 60-year-old Kosovar

They temporarily arrested the fugitive and, according to the Bavarian police, a suspect man in Überackern. It is a 60-year-old Kosovar who lives in Germany. The investigation is now underway, because it is not yet known what the relationship was between the victim and the perpetrator and why this deadly altercation took place.

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