Arrest for Crimes Against Health and Weapon Possession: Latest Updates from Juan de Dios Martín Barba Street

2023-06-19 05:15:00

The arrest occurred during the early hours of this Sunday, in a house on Juan de Dios Martín Barba street or private San Juan Bautista, on charges of crimes once morest health, as well as for carrying a weapon for the exclusive use of the Army.

The detainees are:
• Daniel ML, and/or Eber MM, alias “El Tuercas” and/or “El Wero” and/or “El Negro” and/or “Vianey” and/or “Sowy”, 30 years old.
• Jesús Manuel MA, 18 years old, alias “El Mogly”.
• Martin Alejandro FF, 27 years old, alias “El Pollo”.
• José Luis RV, 21 years old, alias “El Oyuqui” and/or “El Quetzali”.
• Alejandro Fabián GM, 19 years old, Alias ​​“El Spark”.
• Axel LC, 21 years old, alias “El Flaco”.
• Fernando Nicholas PS, 37 years old.

The following weapons were seized from them:
• Black and silver pistol-type firearm with the legend RUGER PRESCOTT, with a metal magazine stocked with 9 useful cartridges.
• Black pistol type firearm with the legend PF940VZ MADE IN USA, with a metal charger with 6 useful cartridges.
• Black pistol-type firearm with the legend MADE IN TURKEY IMPORTED BY STOEGER INDUSTRIES INC, with metal magazine and 12 cal. 9mm.
• Black pistol-type firearm with the legend GLOCK 22 AUSTRIA .40, with a plastic charger with 5 useful cartridges.

Also drug:
• 12 transparent plastic bags containing a granulated orange crystalline substance with the characteristics of the crystal drug, weighing 06 grams.
• 24 transparent plastic bags containing a pink, granulated crystalline substance with the characteristics of the crystal drug, weighing 15.9 grams.
• 21 transparent plastic bags containing a dry and odorous green herb with the characteristics of marijuana, weighing 187 grams.

• In addition to the following insurance:
• 09 unconsumed cans of beer.
• 02 cans of beer consumed.
• A 700 ml bottle of unopened reposado tequila.
• An open 950ml bottle of reposado tequila.
• Two bottles of soda
• Gray Nissan vehicle with state license plates, which does not have a theft report at the time of the consultation.

#seize #drugs #weapons #search #Military #College #detainees

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