2023-10-13 17:37:17
Details of the arrest of a young man suspected of robbing a bank in the north of St. Petersburg have become known. All the stolen goods were found at his home.
The details of the case were reported on October 13 by the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Irina Volk. Soon following the raid, and as previously reported, an armed man stole half a million rubles, almost 900 euros and 10 dollars from Sberbank cash desks, it was possible to establish his identity. It also turned out that the suspect left the crime scene in a taxi.
Five hours following the robbery, the robber was detained at his home in the Karelian city of Lakhdenpokhya. The stolen money and a pistol, which turned out to be pneumatic, were also found there.
#robber #bank #Pargolovo #home #raid #detained #October