Arnaud Assoumani is delighted with the excitement surrounding the Paralympic Games

Fifth in the T47 long jump competition on Tuesday, the Frenchman is disappointed with his performance, but delighted to see a growing consideration for para-athletes. He hopes that this will then translate into everyday life.

France Télévisions – Sports Editorial

Published on 03/09/2024 15:15

Reading time: 3 min Arnaud Assoumani during the long jump competition at the Paris Paralympic Games, on September 3, 2024 at the Stade de France. (FRANCOIS-XAVIER MARIT / AFP)

No sixth Paralympic medal for Arnaud Assoumani. The Frenchman finished 5th in the long jump competition (T47) won by the Cuban Robiel Yankiel Sol Cervantes (7.41 m), Tuesday September 3, at the Stade de France. “I’m not doing a good competition, clearly, recognizes the Frenchman, who could not do better than 6.77 m. My competition is absolutely everything you shouldn’t do. In the long jump, you have to succeed in crossing, in engaging with your shoulders forward. And I jumped with my shoulders back.”

Arnaud Assoumani explains this relative underperformance by a psychological blockage, after an injury that occurred three years ago. “I have unconscious brakes, much more than physical ones. I injured myself jumping on the board and since then, I have had this apprehension. The weather conditions may have awakened my fears a little. I absolutely did not want to slip.”explains the Paralympic champion from Beijing. This fifth place in Paris, at home, is “hard to take, because there was room to do better.”

“This year, I was getting better and better and today, it’s my worst competition of the season. I was in my best physical shape for a very long time and I’m absolutely not performing up to my current potential.”

Arnaud Assoumani

to franceinfo: sport

If, from a sporting point of view, Arnaud Assoumani is disappointed with his performance, he also takes away positive points from this three-year Olympiad leading up to Paris. “I’m at home, in front of family and friends. 200 people were there to encourage merejoices the five-time Paralympic medalist. I trained very hard, I know how much energy I put in, what sacrifices I made. And I am very proud of what we managed to build with my team.”

The length specialist is also proud of the excitement surrounding these Paralympic Games.What I remember most, beyond the sporting performance, is the pride of all the people present. My family was united, I saw on the WhatsApp groups that they had gone to see goalball, blind football, that they had participated in activities”he rejoices. The success of these Paralympic Games will be a turning point for people with disabilities, Arnaud Assoumani is convinced: “It is essential that we talk about these Games, about their legacy.”

“What is happening is just fabulous, and it must continue. By showing its interest in the competitions, the public will allow the establishment of this legacy, the construction of things that will bring a lot to society.”

Arnaud Assoumani

to franceinfo: sport

For over 20 years, Arnaud Assoumani has been fighting to put disabled sport in the spotlight, through his performances and his speeches. It is therefore with pride that he observes the evolution of the consideration given to para-athletes. “We didn’t have live television coverage for the Summer Games before 2016.he remembers. In 2004, after my bronze medal in Athens, I only did one interview, for a radio station. That’s it. The bonuses were 2,400 euros, we were not at the same level as the Olympic athletes. Clearly, we were second-class athletes. Many people with disabilities can still feel like second-class citizens, and that is not normal in a state governed by the rule of law.”

The long jumper, aware of the “privilege to experience this evolution by being part of the right generation”will continue to fight, on and off the jumps, to shine sportingly and put parasport in the spotlight.I don’t want to end on that note.”he warns. Arnaud Assoumani will be present at the World Championships next year, and is not closing the door on the Los Angeles Games in four years.I will take the time to think about it, but if I continue to perform well and have fun…” Going over 7 meters to be in seventh heaven at your 7th Paralympic Games, dare you?



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