Arnaoutoglou Sounds the Alarm for Intense Weather Conditions Ahead of ATENA

According to the EMY, the barometric low, which causes the bad weather “ATENA” in the central Mediterranean and moves eastward, is predicted to cause dangerous weather phenomena in our country from this evening until the afternoon hours of Wednesday (11/9) with places heavy rains and storms mainly in the western, central and northern mainland as well as in the islands of the northern and eastern Aegean.

The phenomena will be accompanied by a high frequency of lightning, hail and strong gusty winds.

In more detail:

Heavy rain and storms are forecast:

1. From tonight until noon tomorrow, in the Ionian Islands, Epirus, western Sterea and western Peloponnese. The phenomena at night until the morning hours tomorrow are predicted to be particularly intense.

2. From Tuesday morning until late afternoon in western Macedonia and Thessaly.

3. From midday tomorrow until midday on Wednesday in central and eastern Macedonia and the Sporades.

4. From tomorrow night until Wednesday afternoon in Thrace and the islands of the northern and eastern Aegean.

Weather: Arnautoglu’s extreme weather warning – Which areas will be affected

Sakis Arnautoglou made two posts on Facebook regarding the course of the bad weather in the coming days. First, he quoted maps showing that the bad weather will affect most of Thrace, Macedonia, part of Thessaly and Aetoloakarnania.

“Areas (shades) with the highest chance of severe – potentially hazardous weather (rain and thunderstorms) during Tuesday 9/10,” he initially wrote. In the second post, he pointed out that caution is needed as there will be strong winds, perhaps exceeding 8-9 Beaufort.

“A little attention tonight and especially during the night to Tuesday in western Greece, as there are indications of a brief but significant strengthening of the winds with intensities that may exceed 8-9 Beaufort!”, he noted.

Weather: Heavy rain and storms from today until Wednesday

Rains and storms are expected in a large part of the country today, from the afternoon hours until the evening hours of Wednesday, September 11, according to the latest forecast data from Observatory of Athens.

The main reason for this change in weather is the change in the atmospheric circulation over Europe as well as the position of the jet stream over the Mediterranean, which has contributed to the development of a barometric low over the area of ​​Italy. The air current is a strong current of air at a height of about 10-11 kilometers from the surface of the Earth with movement basically from west to east and its movement determines the creation and movement of barometric systems. The east-southeast movement of the barometric low from the area of ​​Italy towards the southern Balkans and our country today will result in a gradual change of weather from the west of the country with rain and storms.

Specifically, today from the afternoon and early evening hours, rain and storms are expected initially in parts of the Ionian, Epirus, western Sterea and western Peloponnese.

Rains and storms are expected to intensify in the west, where locally strong storms are likely to occur, gradually until the early hours of tomorrow, while local rains and storms are also expected to occur in parts of Thessaly and western Macedonia. In parts of Ionia, Epirus, western Sterea and western Peloponnese there is a small chance of localized hail.

Tomorrow, local rains and storms are expected in a large part of the country (with the exception of the southernmost island parts of the Aegean), with an emphasis on the northern country, where the phenomena will be longer and more intense.

According to the five-level categorization of a rainfall episode (Regional Precipitation Index), which is applied by the METEO unit of the National Observatory of Athens, the rainfall episode is classified as Category 3 (Significant).

Kikilias: The bad weather “ATENA” will last longer, flooding is not excluded – The risk assessment committee met

The Scientific Risk Assessment Committee met, while at this time an inter-ministerial meeting is being held under the Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, Vassilis Kikilia, in view of the dangerous weather phenomena expected in the country.

As the minister stated, “based on the extensive information provided by the Risk Assessment Committee and according to the EMY bulletin, from tonight evening and for the next few days dangerous weather phenomena will occur in many areas of the country”, while he pointed out that “it will not for a summer instability, but for an autumnal system.’ “Practically, this means that the bad weather will last longer, so local flooding is not ruled out”, underlined Mr. Kikilias.

Specifically, Mr. Kikilias stated:

“Based on the extensive information provided by the Risk Assessment Committee and according to the EMY bulletin, dangerous weather phenomena will occur in many areas of the country starting tonight and for the next few days.

This is not a summer instability, but an autumn system. In practice, this means that the bad weather will last longer, so local flooding is not excluded.

More specifically, from this evening until the early hours of the morning, large amounts of rain will occur mainly in the Ionian, while Epirus, Western Mainland and Western Peloponnese will also be affected.

Also, tomorrow from the early hours of the morning until the afternoon, the bad weather will affect Western and Central Macedonia, as well as Northern and Western Thessaly.

An inter-ministerial committee meeting has already been convened with the participation of all the involved bodies, i.e. the security forces and the armed forces, the local government, the concessionaire highways, etc. for the preparation and coordination of the state mechanism”.

It is noted that according to the updated Emergency Deterioration of Weather Bulletin (EDEK) issued today by the National Meteorological Service (EMS), the Emergency Deterioration of Weather Bulletin, issued on Sunday 09-08-2024, is upgraded to an Emergency Hazardous Weather Phenomena Bulletin according to with the latest forecast data. The barometric low, which causes the bad weather “ATENA” in the Central Mediterranean and moves eastward, is predicted to cause dangerous weather phenomena in our country from Monday night (09-09-24) until the evening hours of Wednesday (11-09- 24) with locally heavy rains and storms mainly in the western, central and northern mainland as well as in the islands of the Northern and Eastern Aegean. The phenomena will be accompanied by a high frequency of lightning, hail and strong gusty winds.

Watch live the course of the bad weather Atena

Weather: Protection instructions from Civil Protection

OR General Secretariat of Civil Protection ( of the Ministry of Climate Crisis & Civil Protection, has informed the competent government agencies involved in the service, as well as the regions and municipalities of the country, so that they are in increased civil protection preparednessin order to immediately deal with the effects of the occurrence of severe weather phenomena.

At the same time, the General Secretariat of Civil Protection recommends to citizens to be especially careful, taking care of the taking self-protection measures from risks arising from the occurrence of severe weather phenomena.

In particular, in areas where heavy rainfall, thunderstorms or gale force winds are expected:

  • To secure objects which, if carried away by severe weather conditions, may cause damage or injury.
  • Make sure that the gutters and downspouts of the houses are not blocked and are working properly.
  • Avoid crossing torrents and streams, on foot or by vehicle, during storms and rainfall, but also for several hours after the end of their event
  • Avoid outdoor work and activities in marine and coastal areas during severe weather events (risk of lightning strikes).
  • Take shelter immediately during a hailstorm. Take shelter in a building or car and do not leave the safe area until they are sure the storm has passed. Hail can be very dangerous for animals too.
  • Avoid passing under large trees, under posted signs and in general areas where light objects (e.g. pots, broken glass, etc.) can become detached and fall to the ground (e.g. under balconies) .
  • To faithfully follow the instructions of the local authorities, such as Traffic, etc.

In areas where it manifests intense lightning activity:

If you are at home

• Do not hold electrical appliances or the telephone as lightning can pass through the wires. Disconnect the TV sets from the antenna and the power supply.

• Avoid touching plumbing pipes (kitchen, bathroom) as they are good conductors of electricity.

If you are in the car

• Park it on the side of the road and away from trees that might fall on it.

• Stay inside and turn on your stop warning lights (emergency lights) until the storm clears.

• Close the windows and do not touch metal objects.

• Avoid flooded roads.

If you are outdoors

• Take refuge in a building or car or sit on the ground immediately without lying down.

• Take shelter under solid branches of low trees if you are in the woods.

• Never take shelter under a tall tree in an open area.

• Avoid low-lying land for the risk of flooding.

• Do not stand next to utility poles, power lines, telephone lines and fences.

• Do not approach metal objects (eg cars, bicycles, camping equipment, etc.).

• Move away from rivers, lakes or other bodies of water.

• If you are in the sea, get out immediately.

• If you are isolated on a flat surface and feel your hair stand on end (indicating that lightning is about to strike), take a deep seat with your head between your legs (to minimize your body surface and contact with ground) by throwing the metal objects you have on you.

For information and announcements regarding the prevailing condition and passability of the road network due to inflow of flood waters in it, citizens can visit the EL.AS website.

For more self-protection information and instructions from severe weather, citizens can visit the web page of the General Secretariat of Civil Protection at the email address

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#ATENA #bad #weather #Arnaoutoglous #warning



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