Arms down against a trap in the MIR formation

Medical examination.

Work Medicine surrenders to the trap carried out by non-EU doctors that, following receiving six months of training MIR in Spain, specifically in the National School of Occupational Medicine, they acquire a degree that allows them to practice as specialists in their country of origin. Therefore, following receiving this short theoretical training, they leave Spain (and the MIR system) to be Labor doctors outside our borders. Professional sources assure Medical Writing that this tactic carried out by doctors in training “it is known in all estates”but that, nevertheless, no solution has been put on the table to put a stop to it. “We assume that political assessments or other aspects that have nothing to do with the profession come into play”they continue, insisting on the expense that this trap generates for the National Health System (SNS) and calling for the commitment of doctors who are trained…

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