“Arms depots” are about to run out… Will the West abandon Ukraine?

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The German Defense Minister said during the cabinet meeting that "There is little room to send weapons out of stock German army To Ukraine, I must confess that we have reached the limits of what we can offer. Our army must be able to guarantee the defense of the States and the German Confederation.. I will make sure that this situation continues.".

As the newspaper revealed "The Wall Street Journal" America’s slowdown in modernizing its arsenal raises officials’ fears that America’s military readiness will be jeopardized by a shortage of military aid to Ukraine.

Analysts told the site "Sky News Arabia" These statements represent 3 important pillars:

  • A warning siren that Western support for Ukraine is running out.
  • Russia succeeded in the war of attrition plan.
  • The West may resort to pressure on Ukraine To end the war on conditions Moscow.

What Western aid to Ukraine?

  • The United States has provided Ukraine with nearly $13 billion in security assistance.
  • The second largest donor to Ukraine is Britain, with London providing £2.3 billion in military support.
  • The European Union has agreed to provide Ukraine with 2.5 billion euros in security assistance, including:
    • rocket launcher "himars".
    • Stinger air defense systems.
    • Javelin anti-tank missiles.
    • Howitzer caliber 155 mm.
    • Drones.
    • Laser guided missile systems.
    • Protective equipment from chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials.

Dire repercussions of the war

Analyst specializing in security and strategic affairs, Leon Radziosini, said that US and European military aid remains a critical factor in Ukraine’s ability to respond to the Russian war and its hopes of regaining territory in the east and south.

Radziocini added, in statements to"Sky News Arabia"The statements of the German Minister of Defense represent 3 things, the first of which is the success of the Russian President’s bet on the West’s ability to continue supporting Ukraine, and the second is a warning whistle that Western support for Kiev will not last long, and that the West may resort to the last option, which is to pressure Ukraine to end the war on Moscow’s terms and stop its repercussions negative impact on their economy.

He pointed out that Germany was facing an energy crisis that made the German chancellor, Olaf Schultzdescribes the war as "Unprecedented threat"whether on the security or economic levels, amid bleak prospects for the foreseeable future.

It is also "In the United States, there is no guarantee that the Republican House of Representatives, which may emerge from the midterm elections next November, will be as eager to send tens of billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine, as is the case with the Joe Biden administration, especially in light of internal criticism with high rates of inflation."according to Radziocini.

Severe shortage of weapons

company warned "Northrop Gruman"one of the largest US defense companies, from the ability of weapons stockpiles to serve long-term combat, asking Western governments to clarify the position on the industry’s ability to provide weapons in Ukrainian war.

As the newspaper said "Financial Times" The British newspaper said that the West suffers from a shortage of weapons, which affects its ability to supply Ukraine with its weapons needs, and the newspaper cited the request of the United States from a company "the roots" To manufacture 1,300 missiles "stinger" Instead of missiles sent to Ukraine, the company commented that manufacturing requires time, especially since it is the first order in 18 years.

The company’s response is similar "next" French Defense with the previous response, commenting on the request of the French government to manufacture cannons of the type "Caesar howitzer" After sending 18 guns to Ukraine, the company said it would take regarding a year and a half to complete the job.

A senior defense official told the newspaper that in recent weeks, the level of 155mm combat munitions became part of the US military stockpile. "alarmingly low".

Since the beginning Russo-Ukrainian warIn February, arms makers suspected that the Pentagon had not always communicated these requirements, which often change resulting in delays, leaving the arms makers unable to produce more.


“There is little scope for sending weapons from stockpiles,” the German defense minister said during the cabinet meeting German army To Ukraine, I must admit that we have reached the limits of what we can offer, our army must be able to guarantee the defense of the States and the German Confederation… I will make sure that this situation continues.”

Meanwhile, The Wall Street Journal revealed that America’s slowdown in modernizing its arsenal of weapons raises officials’ fears that the US military readiness will be jeopardized by the shortage in military aid to Ukraine.

Analysts told Sky News Arabia that these statements represent 3 important pillars:

  • A warning siren that Western support for Ukraine is running out.
  • Russia succeeded in the war of attrition plan.
  • The West may resort to pressure on Ukraine To end the war on conditions Moscow.

What Western aid to Ukraine?

  • The United States has provided Ukraine with nearly $13 billion in security assistance.
  • The second largest donor to Ukraine is Britain, with London providing £2.3 billion in military support.
  • The European Union has agreed to provide Ukraine with 2.5 billion euros in security assistance, including:
    • HIMARS rocket launcher.
    • Stinger air defense systems.
    • Javelin anti-tank missiles.
    • Howitzer caliber 155 mm.
    • Drones.
    • Laser guided missile systems.
    • Protective equipment from chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials.

Dire repercussions of the war

Analyst specializing in security and strategic affairs, Leon Radziosini, said that US and European military aid remains a critical factor in Ukraine’s ability to respond to the Russian war and its hopes of regaining territory in the east and south.

Radziusini added, in statements to “Sky News Arabia”, that the German Defense Minister’s statements represent 3 things, the first of which is the success of the Russian President’s bet on the West’s ability to continue supporting Ukraine, and the second is a warning siren that Western support for Kiev will not last long, and that the West may resort to the option The last is to pressure Ukraine to end the war on Moscow’s terms and stop its negative repercussions on their economy.

He pointed out that Germany was facing an energy crisis that made the German chancellor, Olaf Schultzdescribes the war as an “unprecedented threat”, both on the security and economic levels, amid bleak prospects for the foreseeable future.

Also, “in the United States, there is no guarantee that the Republican House of Representatives, which may emerge from the midterm elections next November, will be as eager to send tens of billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine, as is the case with the Joe Biden administration, especially in light of internal criticism with high rates of inflation.” According to Radziocini.

Severe shortage of weapons

Northrop Grumman, one of the largest US defense companies, has warned of the ability of weapons stockpiles to serve long-term combat, asking Western governments to clarify their position on the industry’s ability to provide weapons in Ukrainian war.

The British Financial Times newspaper said that the West is suffering from a shortage of weapons, which affects its ability to supply Ukraine with its weapons needs, and the newspaper cited the United States’ request from Raytheon Company to manufacture 1,300 Stinger missiles instead of the missiles sent to Ukraine, as The company commented that manufacturing takes time, especially since it was the first order in 18 years.

The response of the French defense company “Nexter” was similar to the previous response, commenting on the French government’s request to manufacture “Howitzer Caesar” cannons following sending 18 cannons to Ukraine, and the company said that it needed regarding a year and a half to complete the task.

A senior defense official told the newspaper that in recent weeks, the level of 155mm combat munitions in the US military stockpile has become “alarmingly low”.

Since the beginning Russo-Ukrainian warIn February, arms makers suspected that the Pentagon had not always communicated these requirements, which often change resulting in delays, leaving the arms makers unable to produce more.



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