Arm wrestling in the center-right, Meloni negotiates until the end

Giorgia Meloni expects a united majority vote in the Senate on the name of Ignazio La Russa, aware that otherwise the center-right will start the government adventure on the wrong foot. To counter this hypothesis, in a watch full of tensions, the leader of the FdI opened a tight negotiation and almost to the end with Silvio Berlusconi and Matteo Salvini, who do not let go of several important departments. With the relaunch of the League on the Viminale and also on the Presidency of the Palazzo Madama. And Forza Italia demanding justice.

La Russa towards the presidency of the Senate

n spite of the optimism displayed by all the protagonists (“optimistic and calm” the Prime Minister in pectore and “determined to find an agreement commensurate with the challenges that await Italy”, the League), the situation of impasse remains. In majority circles, a summit in the night is not excluded, this summit of the three leaders announced but remained on stand-by for the moment following a day of meetings and contacts. They began with a conversation in the morning between the leader of the FdI and the former interior minister who was accompanied by Roberto Calderoli. And continued with the bilateral with the Cavaliere at Villa Grande. A meeting in which Ignazio La Russa also participated, on whose name, in the evening, there seemed to be a consensus between the three parties.

Molinari on pole for the Chamber

All this while at the Federal Council, convened in the Chamber, the League returned to raise the stakes, betting on the Viminal and on the name of Calderoli for the top of the Palazzo Madama. In the absence of a global agreement, the coalition in the Senate might decide to vote blank in the first round, so as not to grill La Russa. His name, along with that of Riccardo Molinari for the presidency of Montecitorio (who will be elected on Friday), was included in the broad agreement for the second and third state offices that seemed to be defined in the morning.

The entanglement with ministerial boxes

“There are no problems, there is an agreement,” explained Giovanbattista Fazzolari, one of the IDF colonels who have been working alongside Meloni for days to ensure a quick closure following the appointment and arrive on 24 October with a government team ready to go. For the allies, however, a pact on ministerial boxes is necessary before officially accepting this solution. It is no coincidence that Matteo Salvini (in the morning he was also at Berlusconi’s, according to denied rumours) called a meeting of the Lega Federale. The standoff therefore resumed, and the ticket for the Chambers was also questioned.

Fi fibrils on the name of Ronzulli

The scheme proposed by Meloni was not well received by Berlusconi: between the two there would be no feeling, is the thesis widespread in the majority, he is angry with him for his attitude, which in turn is struggling to put up with the dictates of minority partners. Mr Berlusconi is also struggling with a party in turmoil and more than a few tensions in the family, according to reports, due to the way the Licia Ronzulli case has been handled. The leader of the FdI does not intend to please the Cavaliere by entrusting him with a ministry of weight for his loyalist. But on Ronzulli “we are moving forward”, clarify the Azzurre sources expressing some irritation.



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