Arkab receives the CEO of the Australian company “TERRAMIN”

2023-06-08 20:07:19

ALGIERS – The Minister of Energy and Mines, Mohamed Arkab, received on Thursday in Algiers the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Australian mining company “TERRAMIN Australia Limited”, Feng Cheng, with whom he discussed the ways and ways to promote the prospects of cooperation and partnership, said a statement from the ministry.

The meeting took place in the presence of the CEO of the mining industrial group “Manadjim El Djazair” (MANAL), the president of the National Agency for Mining Activities (ANAM), the president of the Geological Service Agency of Algeria (ASGA), the CEO of the National Company for Non-Ferrous Mining Products and Useful Substances (ENOF), the Director of the Algerian-Australian joint venture “Western Mediterranean Zinc” (WMZ) responsible for carrying out the exploitation of the zinc and lead deposit in Oued Amizour (Bejaia), and the two general and technical directors of the “TERRAMIN” company.

On this occasion, the two parties welcomed the fruitful results of the cooperation between the “MANAL” group and the “TERRAMIN” company in this project, and discussed “ways to strengthen this cooperation to include other mining projects in Algeria. in the future”, adds the same source.

In this context, Mr. Arkab affirmed “the economic necessity of this structuring project which is part of the development of the mining sector and the revival of mining activities with a view to optimizing the exploitation of these riches. throughout the national territory”.

He underlined “the multiple advantages” expected from the realization of this project both for the national economy in general and for the economic development of the region in particular, in particular the creation of several jobs and the opportunities for training in this domain.

Mr. Arkab insisted on “the imperative to promote local mining products to obtain higher added value through the installation of processing units and the recruitment of local labor as well as the transfer of knowledge and technology”.

The Minister recalled that “the exercise of mining activities cannot be carried out to the detriment of aspects related to health, safety and environmental protection”, stressing the importance of modern operating technologies used by the partner and which meet the strict ecological standards and the natural characteristics of the mine.

Mr. Feng Cheng, for his part, said he was satisfied with the dynamics and progress of this project, reaffirming the determination of the company “TERRAMIN”, to concretize it according to the feasibility study and “in accordance with the rules laid down in the requirements related to environmental protection, safety and strict work to preserve the environmental component in the region, as a basis for sustainable development because this is a societal and humanitarian responsibility without forgetting to take advantage of the company’s experience in the use of the latest mining technologies”, concludes the same source.

#Arkab #receives #CEO #Australian #company #TERRAMIN



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