Aristeo Group reports on the homologation process for Cubans in Spain

The Aristeo Group, made up of professionals specializing in the areas of entrepreneurship, foreigners, immigration, nationality and training in Spain, has recently announced new developments regarding the processes of homologation of Cuban degrees in the country.

This update comes in a context of growing concern among Cuban professionals in Spain.

Last April, the Cuban Homologation Movement in Spain manifested itself to denounce that since September 2023, the Spanish Government had paralyzed the recognition of university degrees obtained in Cuba.

More than 30 months waiting for homologations in Spain

During these demonstrations, feelings of frustration and complaints of discrimination were expressed. “The current situation is very sad, especially with the need for health workers in the country, and the slowness of the process; Cubans denounce discrimination,” said one of the affected professionals.

Another protester added: “We are aware that documents must be scrutinised, but we cannot allow them to be stopped. We want to work and live with dignity.”

In addition, a user publicly denounced that the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Government of Spain is lying when it claims that it is verifying Cuban degrees in Havana. “Many of us have been waiting for more than 30 months for them to do so. Medical colleges verify Cuban documents within 72 hours,” he said.

Streamlining of homologation of Cubans in Spain: Aristeo Group

Given this scenario, the Aristeo Group presented complaints and requests for expediting to the Complaints and Suggestions Unit of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, obtaining an official response.

The General Subdirectorate of Degrees and University Organization has clarified that “there is no suspension of the procedures for homologation of degrees from Cuban universities.”

In this regard, they state that verification of certain documents must be carried out in the country of origin, which may cause a longer than usual delay in the process.

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