Ariel Lijo defends his statement in the Senate: “The sentencing process must be simplified”

2024-08-21 14:30:00

11.30am – Judge reflects on his judicial history: ‘The process of arriving at judgment must be simplified’

In preliminary statements before the Senate Agreement Committee, the Supreme Court-running justice reflected on his background in the judiciary and recalled being in the same room 20 years ago for a hearing before a federal judge.

Liho insisted that the Supreme Court’s job is “not limited to resolving cases,” saying its function is to set policy for the rest of the judiciary at the federal level and in the provinces.

“Federalism is not just an empty expression without content, it is a reality that means respecting the autonomy of provinces, resource management, development policies, and behind every decision there is a reality related to human experience,” Lijo said in commented in his speech.

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At the same time, he put forward some views on how to think about justice in the future, and believed that “we must simplify the process of sentencing,” which is one of the most common requests for the judiciary, and “lower the threshold for sentencing.”

He also believed in the need to “cooperate with Parliament” to make the administration of justice more efficient.

federal judge Ariel Lijo On Wednesday, he will defend his qualifications as a candidate to fill a vacant Supreme Court seat at a public hearing before the Senate Agreement Committee.

Lijo is one of the candidates put forward by the national government to take the place he left Elena Haydon of Nolascoand next Wednesday will be the turn of Manuel Garcia Mancillaintends to retain the fifth place it will leave Juan Carlos Makeda He will be 75 years old starting next December.

The judge received more than 3500 copies join, There are still about 300 challenges, the axes of which will be raised during this Wednesday’s meeting chaired by PRO Senator Guadalupe Tagliaferri.

The committee has 17 members, so the opinion must contain nine positive signatures before the document reaches the floor. At the last minute, the leader of the UCR group announced the replacement of activist senator Pablo Blanco, one of those who had expected the nomination to be rejected. Eduardo “Petco” Vischi, Who supports Lijo.

With the controversial move, the ruling party seeks to get enough signatures to put the issue on the conference agenda.

News under development…

#Ariel #Lijo #defends #statement #Senate #sentencing #process #simplified



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